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This is for the Real "Upstate" NY BE shooters

Posted: Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:09 pm
by Ed Hall
Last year the Long Lake Fish & Game Club hosted one of the sections of the NYS Outdoor Championship in September. We plan on doing so again this year, unless it becomes a Regional instead of the State Match - decision to made soon.

The complications:

CMP has chosen our weekend to host one of their "Games" in Vermont. We had chosen this weekend to deconflict with other events and late September weather. We have now been asked to move our event to another weekend so it isn't on the Games weekend. If we move it later, some of our staff will be unavailable. If we move it one week earlier, we conflict with the Lobster Match and two weeks earlier, with Labor Day weekend.

Could I get some feedback from potential participants as to which weekend would be preferred between 9-10 or 16-17 September. Do note that our match is a one-day completion match and that we offer Friday and Saturday. It may be possibly for someone to shoot our match on Friday and then one of the others Saturday.

Thanks for any comments...