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painful shooting hand

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:10 pm
by TommyH
Have started to experience severe pain in my shooting hand, I can see if it gets worse that I may have to pack my shooting in. I shoot 10 metre AP with Morini 162EI. Anyone suffer similair problems?



(Silver shooter, my e-mails are down if you replied to me)

Re: painful shooting hand

Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:39 pm
by Rover
I trust you'll take the advice I have to offer.

Soothe that painful hand by stroking a warm, naked, oiled young virgin (not yourself). It has been known to work wonders (right, Renald Schilke?).

Actually, soaking it in warm water with Epsom salts couldn't hurt a thing. Have someone help you with your grip fit, too.

Re: painful shooting hand

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 2:14 am
by deadeyedick
You could also be holding the grip too tightly resulting in inflammation of the tendons.

Re: painful shooting hand

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 12:13 pm
by northpaw
deadeyedick wrote:You could also be holding the grip too tightly resulting in inflammation of the tendons.
That may be the culprit sometimes. Overstraining one`s shooting arm almost daily over an extended period may cause enduring pains. (Too) many pistol shooters experience this problem.
Warming up your body (and arm) with some light physical excersicec prior to a shooting session is prophylactic.

Re: painful shooting hand

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 5:56 pm
by cloudswimmer
Has happened to me before, and more so as I passed the 50 year old mark, but never from air pistols, mostly from shooting large bore revolvers. Solution was complete rest and physical rehab. Also have you done anything else to your hand besides shooting to injure it, that then shooting makes worse?

Re: painful shooting hand

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:13 pm
by TommyH
Hi thanks for the replies, sorry it's taken me a while to get back.

I was bricklaying for over 30 years, so I suppose there's an element of wear and tear in trowel hand but it has never surfaced until now (haven't set a brick for a few years since I changed my job). My grip was modelled to my hand by a Morini technician, it fits like a glove but he told me to hold the pistol with the two fingers between the forefinger and little finger - tightly. I've now started to support the weight of the pistol by allowing the grip shelf to press under the bottom of the hand as I point the pistol, taking the strain from the fingers.

I'll take all good your suggestions on-board.

Rover: ain't no virgins around these parts, they all busted in!!!