Orion Scoring System - verifying targets are hung correctly

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Orion Scoring System - verifying targets are hung correctly

Post by FireHawk »

We held our first smallbore 3P match and we used the Orion scoring system. We had created barcode labels and we even had a board stating how to read the label [P1, S1, K1].

A couple of the shooters hung the targets and shot a different position on the marked target(s).

Because ties are broken using the standing position - does anyone have a process step to verify that the targets are hung correctly?

I was thinking of color coding the targets top corner - bright enough so the tournament official on the range can verify all targets before shooting starts. I also thought of the tournament official removing the targets from the bar - not the competitor.

Just curious what others are doing to validate that the correct targets are being shot and scored.....

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Re: Orion Scoring System - verifying targets are hung correc

Post by jhmartin »

Our ORION matches usually run like this :
1) Shooters are given their targets to hang --BEFORE anything is brought to the line.
2) Equipment to the line, but rifles stay cased ... at this point the ROs can walk the targets and spot for any out of place and the shooter is summoned to change if necessary. My opinion here is that the ROs don't touch the targets ... it is the shooter's responsibility to get them hung properly ... that way if one falls down because they only used one pin to hang it ... too bad/so sad. ROs can offer suggestions, but only the shooter touches them until they are pulled.
3) Rifles uncased and prep begins ... any late shooters moved to another relay if slots available.
4) After the position is fired --- before prep --- rifles safe & grounded and targets are pulled for the just fired position
5) Match continues. We are then scoring the just pulled targets. You can pretty much catch a wrong set at this point and the scorer can re assign.

Color coding would be an good way to go, but we run the targets thru our printer when barcoding them ... don't mess with labels (except on the ORION A50/A51 types), so going back thru and marking them would be a real hassle. Our printer template puts a big capital P, S, or K that almost fills the assignment area and we STILL get shooters that hang them wrong.
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Re: Orion Scoring System - verifying targets are hung correc

Post by FireHawk »

So, the RO pulls the targets and verifies the position marked and how it's hung?

Does Orion let you print on the targets [using their software] or do you do this outside of their system? Have you had any issues printing on Orion targets?

We used the bar code labels - shooting the A-17 orion targets [NRA Fun Match]. Labels worked well, just really had this one hiccup.

You are correct - hand marking every target will be painful, but I don't want to add another step that the RO has to deal with.
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Re: Orion Scoring System - verifying targets are hung correc

Post by jhmartin »

The shooters hang the targets ... now it depends how many are hung as to what backstops we are using.
When we hang the creedmores, there is only one position hung at a time. The RO then walks the targets after they are hung while the line is still cold.
If we are using "Lujan style" backstops, then all positions are hung at the same time.

After shooting the shooters pull the fired targets, and give them to the RO or the Stats person who gathers them up to the scoring system. You can have the ROs pull the targets if you do not have that many shooters, but on our large matches we sometimes have 40 points set up. It's easier for the shooters to pull the targets then.

I use a MS-Word template in conjunction with a MS-Excel spreadsheet (basically a modified mailing list) to print directly on the targets. I have a high speed HP4250 B/W laser printer that we print the targets with. We feed the targets into the printer and print right on them. I use the manual feed tray and open the back for "PassThru" printing so the targets are not bent around a roller inside the printer as they are printed.
(I just cringe sending peel off labels into a printer .... had a sheet one time come off inside and messed up the image bar ... a bit costly to replace) Although as mentioned we do use labels for the smallbore 50yd/50m targets.

Notes on this:
1) There are some free 3of9Extended barcode truetype fonts you can load onto your computer.
2) The competitor number must be printed as a 6 digit hexadecimal number (dec2hex function in Excel) in the barcode.
3) There is a format for the CompNumber, Position, Target number) that I can't recall offhand (not at my home computer).
4) You might have to tweak the template a bit as ORION used to use european A4 size paper, and are now shipping US type 8.5x11 size ... If you have both size targets in your stock (as I do), you need to make sure you select the correct template for the target size.

Anyone who has used the mailmerge in Word can handle this.

If you would like our template, send me a PM or email with your email & I'll send to you.
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Re: Orion Scoring System - verifying targets are hung correc

Post by Spencer »

FireHawk wrote:...Because ties are broken using the standing position...
6.15.1 Individual Ties in 300m, 50m, 25m and 10m Events
All tied scores will be broken for 300m, 50m, 25m and 10m events
by applying the following Rules:
a) The highest number of inner tens;

At local matches, tie breaking is unlikely to go past 6.15.1 a),
David Levene
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Re: Orion Scoring System - verifying targets are hung correc

Post by David Levene »

Spencer wrote:
FireHawk wrote:...Because ties are broken using the standing position...
6.15.1 Individual Ties in 300m, 50m, 25m and 10m Events
All tied scores will be broken for 300m, 50m, 25m and 10m events
by applying the following Rules:
a) The highest number of inner tens;

At local matches, tie breaking is unlikely to go past 6.15.1 a),
Remember that USAS don't follow ISSF rules Spencer.

USAS 6.15.1.A
At USA Shootin sanctioned competitions where paper targets are
used, tie breaking using 6.15.1, first bullet, should not be
implemented. The following will be used:
a) the highest score of the last ten shot series working
backward by 10 shot series in full ring scoring (not inner tens
or decimals) until the tie is broken;
b) the highest number of 10’s, 9’s, 8’s, etc.;
c) if any ties remain, the athletes must have the same ranking
and must be listed in Latin alphabetical order using the
athlete’s family name.
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Re: Orion Scoring System - verifying targets are hung correc

Post by FireHawk »

Thnx for the info.....

Actually the match we were running was on NRA A-17 targets with NRA rules..... Coach-able and geared towards the novice shooters, although all sub-juniors & juniors eligible.

With the A-17 and integer scoring - lots of ties when good shooters. Rules are:

(b) Aggregate Matches or any fired match consisting of multiple positions.
(1) By the greater number of X’s over the entire course of targets with X-ring or center shots on targets without X-rings.
(2) By the highest total score, including X’s, in the standing position, then kneeling and prone.
(3) By the highest total score, including X’s on the last stage in the standing position. If still tied, then the next stage in reverse order from last to first. If still tied, use the same procedure in the kneeling position, then sitting, followed by prone.
(4) By the highest total score, including X’s, on each bullseye applied in reverse order from the last to the first in standing. If still a tie, then use the same procedure in the kneeling, then sitting, and followed by prone.

We have 9 ports, so not to big of a deal. I think I am going to color code the top right hand corner of the targets. Then when they are all hung - you can easily see what colors are where. Should be a good way to validate they are hung correctly, when they are out at 50'.

Great info on printing on the targets - I work in IT so that is something I am going to have to work on. I will send you my email.
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