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No wonder you can't hit anything!

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 10:26 am
by Rover
I did a search on pellet testing here and found very few threads. There were FAR more tests on the Olympic Pistol.

Since pellet accuracy is of much more importance to a rifle shooter than a pistol shooter I'd think you guys would really be into it.

Maybe you're just not talking.

Re: No wonder you can't hit anything!

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2015 11:25 am
by redschietti
Well sure the 10 ring is awefully small! Oh, and the 10.5 ring half as big!! Lol

Re: No wonder you can't hit anything!

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 12:11 am
by Levergun59
Our Host, Pilkguns did pellet testing at Camp Perry, before smallbore was moved to Bristol. I hope smallbore goes back to Camp Perry next year so we can tour Commercial Row, but I am not holding my breath.

Re: No wonder you can't hit anything!

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 2:51 am
by Ulrich Eichstädt
I don't think that the number of threads is somehow related to the quality of the content... ;)

I remember a long and excellent discussion about pellet testing here at TT, somehow connected to Vogel pellets and head sizes etc. Scott Pilkington may have been the author, too.

Haven't got the time to search it now, though.

Re: No wonder you can't hit anything!

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 5:31 pm
by FrankD
Hi Rover,

we rifle shooters are smart. We know about the importance of pellet testing and we do it. So we don't need to talk always about it.

Look at this result: ... #post63425

You can't shoot that without a really good rifle and tested pellets. And this guy is not a world champion or so. He is 'only' a normal German Senior club shooter and he does not brag.

Regards from good old Germany



Arnsberg? Das muss 'Auf Bergheim' heiszen. Sonst wird das da eh nix! ;-) Ich war da mal in der Gegend auf dem Gustav-Gans-Gymnasium. Ist aber schon lange her und da hiesz es auch noch anders. Gehört wohl jetzt zum FSG. Ich kann mich aber noch gut an die Sache mit Arnsberg I und Arnsberg II erinnern. Da fehlte nicht viel, da hätten sie zu den Waffen gegriffen. ;-)

Re: No wonder you can't hit anything!

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 6:56 pm
by Rover
I'll see you next month for Volkfest in Stuttgart. MMMM, bier!

To be honest, there are a lot of targets in the trash here as good (better?).

Re: No wonder you can't hit anything!

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 8:11 pm
by FrankD
Sorry Rover,

also Germany is small in comparison to the US, Stuttgart is for me a little to fare away only for drinking a beer with an shooting friend. An for an Sauerlander Stuttgart is also always little short of foreign country. ;-)

You know, the region i talk to Ulrich is the Sauerland, the land of the thousand mountains, is famous for many good beer types. And Ulrich comes from Dortmund, the formerly beer capitol city of Europe. So we are a little biased.

But you are cordially invited to visit us and i'm sure we have not only one or two good beers. We can also show you our famous Landesleistungszentrum in Dortmund, one or the biggest indoor shooting range in the world. And i'm sure, Ulrich can arrange a visit of the Walther head quarter in Arnsberg 'Auf Bergheim'.



Re: No wonder you can't hit anything!

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:35 pm
by Andre
I think I'll shoot my next match with Daisy wadcutters and let you know how things go, after all group size doesn't matter.

Re: No wonder you can't hit anything!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 3:19 am
by Tim S
FrankD wrote:Sorry Rover,

also Germany is small in comparison to the US, Stuttgart is for me a little to fare away only for drinking a beer with an shooting friend. An for an Sauerlander Stuttgart is also always little short of foreign country. ;-)

You know, the region i talk to Ulrich is the Sauerland, the land of the thousand mountains, is famous for many good beer types. And Ulrich comes from Dortmund, the formerly beer capitol city of Europe. So we are a little biased.


Hmmm Dortmunder Alt.. The sharper Alt by Pinkus Muller in Munster is rather good too.

Re: No wonder you can't hit anything!

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 7:18 am
by Thomas Monto
USAS latest issue has an article on testing. Very good