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Want help from RFP Pardini Owners ...

Posted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:59 pm
by sha3banov
i would like to know know ​the wight of all .. The​ barrel + front weight + the front part of the pistol all together ... do you get that ??


Re: Want help from RFP Pardini Owners ...

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 5:18 am
by JamesH

Barrel+Shroud+Foresight+2x Steel Weights=300g
2x Steel Weights ~27g - Its at the lowere limit of the scales so may be a bit out.
6x Tungsten Weights = 185g

Calculating back from the tungsten weights via the density of steel and tungsten give 2x steel weights = 26g

So the answer to your question is 300-26=274g

If anyone is interested I'm part way through a CAD model of the Pardini SP/RF, and I plan to do some comparative testing as I have buy luck a RF and an SP with almost matching serial numbers.

Re: Want help from RFP Pardini Owners ...

Posted: Thu Jun 25, 2015 10:20 am
by sha3banov
JamesH wrote:BRB...

Barrel+Shroud+Foresight+2x Steel Weights=300g
2x Steel Weights ~27g - Its at the lowere limit of the scales so may be a bit out.
6x Tungsten Weights = 185g

Calculating back from the tungsten weights via the density of steel and tungsten give 2x steel weights = 26g

So the answer to your question is 300-26=274g

If anyone is interested I'm part way through a CAD model of the Pardini SP/RF, and I plan to do some comparative testing as I have buy luck a RF and an SP with almost matching serial numbers.
thanks a lot .. JamesH

Re: Want help from RFP Pardini Owners ...

Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 3:22 am
by JamesH
No worries, can I ask why you wanted it?

Re: Want help from RFP Pardini Owners ...

Posted: Tue Jun 30, 2015 7:38 am
by sha3banov
JamesH wrote:No worries, can I ask why you wanted it?

I have ( Hammerli sp20) and i would like to play RFP with it ... I can't be owner of Pardini.

after one day played with S20 .. it's not good at all in 4 sec series .. the recoil is very big, high, and not similar ..
