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Good News For Massachusetts Shooters

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 1:58 pm
by Gwhite
It is far from perfect, but a large number of Olympic firearms have been added to a new list that makes them OK to sell in Massachusetts. ... 2-2015.pdf

It doesn't include centerfire pistols, and it doesn't address those that can be converted to centerfire.

Re: Good News For Massachusetts Shooters

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:06 pm
by jabberwo
Awesome news! I'm sure some juniors at MRA will be getting some Pardinis.

Funny, the Toz wasn't added.

thanks Greg,

Re: Good News For Massachusetts Shooters

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 6:46 am
by Greg Derr
This is the same list California uses. Toz's are on the last page listed as Vostok which is fine. The list can be added to in the future . This is a very big step in the right direction, a lot of people worked hard to get this done. I/we are still working on other issues and avenues.

Re: Good News For Massachusetts Shooters

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 11:37 am
by Gwhite
This is a portion of the list California uses. The California standard is all pistols SUITABLE for competing in Olympic style shooting. The California list has 148 pistols listed, Massachusetts list is only 116 pistols, largely because the California list includes centerfire pistols.

We tried very hard to get the California list written into the law as is. A bill was submitted, and had a good chance of making it into law last year. Instead, somebody decided to patch the existing law in a manner that was sufficiently vague that we now have a complex approval process that has taken 6 months to render a partial success.

Don't get me wrong, this is a huge step forward. However, if someone hadn't messed with things, we could have been in even better shape.

Re: Good News For Massachusetts Shooters

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 10:25 am
by beeser
I don't understand, what about a centerfire conversion for the Pardini SP as an example? Is it legal to own separately but not attached to the receiver? And since the list will be at least updated bi-annually, what happens if a gun is removed from the list for some reason? Are you now non-compliant if you own a gun that was removed? Being from Arizona this all seems rather silly to me.

Re: Good News For Massachusetts Shooters

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 1:54 pm
by Greg Derr
The law as passed was not vague at all. It exempts pistols designed for Olympic competition. Currently there are no center fire events in Olympic competition. In the weird world of politics it's all about baby steps. We worked very hard to get this in. Since a conversion is not serialized and requires no separate registration under ATFE or Mass. law you can read between the lines. :) I'll meets with the committee as needed to add new models or ones I missed giving them.

Re: Good News For Massachusetts Shooters

Posted: Mon Mar 02, 2015 8:53 pm
by Black_Talon
Way to go guys! One step at a time.

As a subject of California, I definitely feel for you.

Re: Good News For Massachusetts Shooters

Posted: Tue Mar 03, 2015 7:43 pm
by Murph
Great work people ! Hopefully CT will flow suit soon.

Re: Good News For Massachusetts Shooters

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:56 pm
by conradin
I see that "Steyr" is misspelled, I hope it will not cause any problem.
Would the Walther SSP-E be considered as SSP?
I guess everyone now needs to either buy a Hammerli 280 or a Pardini Sp conv or Benelli to take care of the Center Fire Pistol problem: No MG4. :(

I feel you for you, MA, especially since I went to school there for three years :(