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Use of PTFE sealant tape with CA

Posted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:20 pm
by jpa
This afternoon, while checking out various possible temporary solutions to my cylinder air leak problem (, I found that whilst trying to introduce another O-ring between the cylinder and the body of the pistol didn't help at all, using plumbers' PTFE tape worked almost perfectly. :D Thanks to this discovery I *will* be attending the county ranking competition tomorrow after all.

I noticed also that the PTFE tape significantly reduced the friction / load when attaching and removing a cylinder under pressure, and wonder if this could be something to continue doing to reduce possible thread wear even once my new cylinder arrives?

Of course, I'll need to be careful to be sure that PTFE tape fragments don't find their way into the mechanism of the pistol but apart from that, what do people think?

Re: Use of PTFE sealant tape with CA

Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2015 5:08 pm
by nglitz
Sounds like it's acting as a solid lubricant for you. The original seal was intended to be the O-ring and that would be the best solution to your problem. But if it works, go for it. You've already stated the obvious precautions.

I use it occasionally to make tapered pipe threads work in high vacuum sustems. It's not helium tight long term, but it's good for a while.

Re: Use of PTFE sealant tape with CA

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2015 6:25 am
by jpa
Thanks for the reply. I received a replacement cylinder the other day from Walther's service department, and that works perfectly. I will keep the PTFE tape in my range box though in case I ever need it.

It does feel a little bit - how to put it - unsympathetic is probably a good word - to unscrew a cylinder that has pressure in it from the pistol, but this is essential and I'm sure Hämmerli/Walther have borne this in mind with the design. It did feel much more pleasant with a turn or two of the tape to lubricate the threads though.