Higher front sight TOZ-35

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Higher front sight TOZ-35

Post by morten »


Anyone now if it's possible to get higher front sights then the standard once for the TOZ-35?

And if so, maybe where to get it.
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Post by kanedal »

Hi Morten.

Check out Igors blog, he has a picture of a modified front sight.

http://toz35.blogspot.no/2011/04/modifi ... hotos.html

See you tomorrow i guess :-)
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higher front/lower rear

Post by FredB »

As you know, you can achieve the same thing by lowering your rear sight more. The TOZ rear sight often - not always - has room to move lower after the elevation screw has bottomed out. With your elevation screw turned all the way counter-clockwise, press on the rear sight blade to see if your sight has that additional free play. If it does, you can put a shim in between the elevation screw and the body of the sight which will make the sight adjust lower. I used a piece of Eley box top glued in place.

To raise the front, first of all realize that each TOZ front sight blade seems to be individually "crafted", so you might find one that's a little higher than your current one. And you can put a little bit a shim material under the front to raise it, although not very much. Short of that (accidental pun) you would have to have a taller one custom machined.
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Post by morten »

Thank you for the tip FredB

The rear sight is as low as it can be.

I have to get higher front sights for all my sons guns, it has something to do with his vision, We have checked out his eyes, and he has perfect sight, no correction needed, so higher front sights is the only way to go.

Thanks Kanedal (Lars) se you later today :-)
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