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World Cup MQS Extra

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:12 pm
by conradin
Anyone know what MQS Extra is for? What puzzled me is that there are people participating MQS Extra who are clearly veterans, and won an event most why do these people need to do a MQS when they are more than good enough beat to compete or even beat the event winner?
Is it possible that people do that simply because they want to use the MQS as a practice match, and also that their own national team has filled up all the quota already...hence they decided to let the younger members to do the actual competition to gain experience, while the veterans just tagged along?
For example, today Isakov was doing an MQS Extra in AP.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 2:16 pm
by David Levene
Russia already had their maximum of 3 in the main match.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 3:09 pm
by jhmartin
The US teams were selected by the Winter Airgun selection match in December for air and the January selection match for smallbore.
1st 3 are in the main qualifier, 4th & 5th got to go shoot in the MQS slots.
Remember this is not a "real" WC as no quota slots can be gained, nor are the MQS scores good for this quad's qualifying scores.

Congrats to Elizabeth Marsh for firing the highest USA Ladies score in AR today.

We also have some that are in the Youth events (I think), but I don't see any listed.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:29 pm
by rmarsh
The USA didn't have anyone participating in the youth events here at WC Benning. Those are qualifier matches for the Youth Olympic Games in China. I was told USAS was not sending anyone to the games, so there was no reason to participate in the qualifiers.

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:48 pm
by conradin
jhmartin wrote:The US teams were selected by the Winter Airgun selection match in December for air and the January selection match for smallbore.
1st 3 are in the main qualifier, 4th & 5th got to go shoot in the MQS slots.
Remember this is not a "real" WC as no quota slots can be gained, nor are the MQS scores good for this quad's qualifying scores.
Then what is the point of doing an MQS if it counts for nothing at all? Especially those from China, why fly half way around the world to do a MQS for nothing?

Posted: Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:56 pm
by David Levene
conradin wrote:
jhmartin wrote:The US teams were selected by the Winter Airgun selection match in December for air and the January selection match for smallbore.
1st 3 are in the main qualifier, 4th & 5th got to go shoot in the MQS slots.
Remember this is not a "real" WC as no quota slots can be gained, nor are the MQS scores good for this quad's qualifying scores.
Then what is the point of doing an MQS if it counts for nothing at all? Especially those from China, why fly half way around the world to do a MQS for nothing?
Possibly part of their selection process for more important matches (e.g. World Championships).

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:02 am
by USMC0802
The other reason is to gain the experience at that level

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 1:59 am
by RobStubbs
conradin wrote:
jhmartin wrote:The US teams were selected by the Winter Airgun selection match in December for air and the January selection match for smallbore.
1st 3 are in the main qualifier, 4th & 5th got to go shoot in the MQS slots.
Remember this is not a "real" WC as no quota slots can be gained, nor are the MQS scores good for this quad's qualifying scores.
Then what is the point of doing an MQS if it counts for nothing at all? Especially those from China, why fly half way around the world to do a MQS for nothing?
It keeps them shooting at the level and experiencing the aspect of international matches - very important for newbies! It counts as an olympics qualifying score should they acheive it in that event.

You'll find the big shooting nations such as China and Russia, often rotate their shooters through MQS's and main events - I guess they have so many at such a high level, and equally, can afford it.


Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 2:12 am
by David Levene
RobStubbs wrote:It counts as an olympics qualifying score should they acheive it in that event.
Not in World Cups before 1st August 2014 Rob.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:12 am
by conradin
Yes, but to put world cup gold medalists and world cup finals champion for MSQ extra? What did they get out of it? I hardly can see why Ma jiaje needs to be in MSQ extra.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:21 am
by David Levene
conradin wrote:Yes, but to put world cup gold medalists and world cup finals champion for MSQ extra? What did they get out of it? I hardly can see why Ma jiaje needs to be in MSQ extra.
As I said above, "Possibly part of their selection process for more important matches (e.g. World Championships)."

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 1:47 am
by USMC0802
Also, you can only enter so many from each country. Doesn't matter if you are a current world champion or olympic medalist or won the last WC. Many countrys have more than 3 people shooting an event that could win that days WC on any given day. For the US competitors, we have a selection process deciding who gets the slot and the top 3 slots are decided by fractions of a point and if the selection match was held on the following day, you would get a different result. The competition is that stringent. In the US, getting the slot to compete is almost as difficult as winning the event. As has been mentioned, to be a US competitor this week, you had to win the match back in December or January. Who is to say the best shooter we have actually won that day or is the US shooter at their top form today. With that said, I use the term "best" shooter loosely. Not sure what criteria to use to say who is actually the best. Our selection process does give an equal opportunity for our top shooters to compete at the different matches. You have to earn your way into each of them.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 2:00 am
by RobStubbs
David Levene wrote:
RobStubbs wrote:It counts as an olympics qualifying score should they acheive it in that event.
Not in World Cups before 1st August 2014 Rob.
True, I forgot that bit.
Yes, but to put world cup gold medalists and world cup finals champion for MSQ extra? What did they get out of it? I hardly can see why Ma jiaje needs to be in MSQ extra.
Practice if nothing else in the real competition environment. There aren't too many of these major competitions each year, so you can never be so over familiar with the whole big match experience and the surrounding environment.
