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to clean or not to clean

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:59 pm
by IZZY14
My question is when to do a complete tear down cleaning on my bullseye pistol
I'm told not until it begins to fowl
I am from a military background and am used to complete cleaning after each use
Also cleaning the bore, I understand some don't clean the bore the entire season
Doesn't cleaning everything extend the life of the parts
This is my first year shooting a pistol and bullseye matches is my average of 490 decent for a beginner
I am also on my 4th different pistol this year
I started with a S&W 22A, then ruler 22/45, then Marvel Conversion, and now a Bikal IZH 35M

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 4:12 pm
by lakesidemn
I started Bullseye 3 yrs ago and was in the low 500's and now I'm in the low 800's, so don't worry about your score - it will improve with practice. I do think it helps staying with one gun for a while. Getting use to the grip and trigger pull is most of the challenge, so once you have that the scores will come.

As for cleaning, I have seen guys (High Master shooters BTW) clean their guns between matches and always at home after a match. I have heard from non-bullseye shooters they don't clean .22's until they foul (like you said). Since you can't get any better than High Master, I would go with their advice - clean often and keep it oiled until it drips.

Best of luck and enjoy the Progress - no such thing as Perfection with this sport!

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:03 am
by RobStubbs
I was always taught to clean my semi-auto pistols after every session, which is advice that I've followed. You can opt for it to fowl (fail) before doing so, but sods law says that will be in important match.
