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Trigger Adjustments - Anschutz

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:29 pm
by Guest
I am reading the instructions on how to increase the pull weight on my Anschutz trigger but I find the instructions to be unclear/ambiguous (a copy is provided, below). Can you clarify some questions, please.

Do I loosen the screw and slide the cam down ("its highest position")?

What do I turn by 180 degrees, the screw or the cam ("turn by 180° and secure")? If it is the cam that gets turned, in which direction do I turn it? The cam has a little protrusion on one edge which seems to be an indicator for a graduated scale. Do I flip it so the indicator still points at the scale?

1.2 Moving trigger cam No. 11:

•lowest position of trigger cam: lowest trigger weight
•highest position of trigger cam: highest trigger weight

If the trigger weight is to be more than 200 g, the trigger cam No. 11 must be adjusted to the highest position (turn by 180° and secure), using a 2 mm hex key and possibly tweezers:

•turn left to loosen the screw
•turn right to tighten the screw

After adjusting the cam, please check the sear engagement according to paragraph No. 3. It might have to be adjusted as well. The precise adjustments of the trigger weight and first stage weight are carried out with the setting screws No. 10 (trigger weight) and No. 9 (first stage weight).

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:50 pm
by BigAl
As far as I am aware, having played with the adjustment on mine, you slacken the locking screw and the rotate the cam 180 degrees, so that the protrusion on the cam is no longer bearing on the sear. This then gives twice as much movement than by simply moving the cam contact point up and down.


Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 6:20 pm
by Guest
When I flipped it so the pointer pointed away from the scale, the trigger became a single stage. I put it back the way it was.

Am I doing it incorrectly?

Do they sell new springs or another way to increase the pull weight of this trigger?

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2014 7:58 pm
by Guest
I want a trigger at 1.25 pounds to mimic my center fire rifle trigger.

I was reviewing the Anschutz trigger offerings. I guess I have the wrong trigger, it is a 5018 and only goes up to 8 ounces.

The 5022 seems like the way to go. Is there any real difference other than the springs?

Posted: Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:34 am
by Trollslayer
Does anyone know the differences?

If it is just springs, can I buy them, and where?

If not, what will a babied but (barely) used 5018 sell for?

Posted: Thu Feb 13, 2014 8:00 pm
by Trollslayer
Anyone ?

5018 trigger

Posted: Sat Feb 15, 2014 6:50 pm
by willymakit
The 5018 trigger has an adjustment range of 60g to 510g (2.1 ozs - 1lb 2 ozs) With the trigger cam in the I position(point of cam in low position, toward release catch) the range is 60g to 245g(8.6 ozs). With the trigger cam "flipped" to the II position(point of cam in high position, toward release catch) the range is 100g to 510g(3.5 ozs to 1lb 2ozs). There are no springs to make it a "heavier" pull. You will need a different trigger.
The 5018 trigger is $357 + shipping from Neal Stepp / Int. Shooters Service, 877 595 2090
Neal is A#1, great to do business with. He may take your trigger in trade toward one with a heavier pull?
I will offer you a fair price if Neal isn't interested.
Bill Stowers