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Substitues For CCI SV Ammo?
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 2:56 pm
by mr alexander
My High Standard Victor functions well with CCI SV Ammo and the
accuracy is very good as well. As my supply of it is running dangerously
low, I tried 100 rds. of SK Jagd Standard Plus instead and had major
functioning issues with it. Went back to the CCI and the functioning was
perfect once again. Measuring the O.A.L. of both rounds, the CCI
came in at 0.990" while the SK was 0.967". This huge difference of
0.023" is probably causing the problem. Do any of you know of a brand of
ammo whose O.A.L. is the same as the CCI SV that I would normally use?
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:36 pm
by Rover
I know of no one but you who measures overall length of .22 ammo.
When I ran out of the CCI, I moved to Fiocchi with more than complete satisfaction. After that, grab what you can!
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 4:10 pm
by cgroppi
I don't think your issues have anything to do with OAL. SK Standard Plus is identical to Wolf Match target. They are on the light side for 22LR. CCI SV is harder. I think you just need to get something with more poop.
My 41 works great with CCI SV, Fiocchi 22FLRN, RWS Rifle Match and other ammo on the hotter side. Wolf is accurate, but doesn't reliably cycle.
Posted: Sun Nov 10, 2013 6:38 pm
by left360
Maybe a softer recoil spring?
Posted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:15 am
by Kirmdog
Accuracy wise with my 41 I have found that (believe it or not) Remington SubSonic is giving the same accuracy as does CCI SV, at least in my pistol. I have not fires the Rem SS in a match but have in practice and for the indoor league I shoot in and at 50 feet this ammo works out fine. Don't know about how many alibi's I would get but haven't found a dud yet and have not had any FTF or FTE issues in practice. I have also tried Agilia and it worked fine also but is more expensive than the Rem SS. All this with a Alex Hamilton barrel liner in the 41.
Go Figure?
Posted: Thu Nov 14, 2013 11:05 am
by waxman
mr alexander- There is indeed a difference in feeding a High Standard with different lengths ammo!
Without a feedramp, the magazine lips dimensions alone position the cartridge to enter the chamber. That positioning is dependent on the dimensions of said cartridge. Different length=different feed angle=misaligned cartridge=jam.
You didn't specify your malfunctions, but your magazines must be tuned for the ammo in use. Different manufactured ammo probably need differently tuned magazines. I have a pair of mags for Lapua, and a pair for CCI SV.
Check out the excellent Tony's Blog: ... itive.html
Substitue For CCI SV Ammo?
Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 11:34 am
by mr alexander
Thank you so very much for your reply. The blog you referred me to is
just what I was looking for! You are absolutely correct about how the
O.A.L. of a .22 round can affect functioning in a pistol that relies solely on
the magazine's feed lips for proper feeding. Thanks to the others who
also responded with suggestions of using ammo with a little bit
more "zip", but it was my own fault for not originally mentioning that the
malfunctions with the Standard Plus only occured during the feeding
cycle. If the SK round did chamber, firing, extraction and ejection were
all positive. I could have the lips on my magazines adjusted for the SK,
but what do I do if and when more CCI becomes available? Have them
readjusted back again? Too much lip tweaking can not be a good thing!
Thanks again to all!
Posted: Mon Nov 18, 2013 2:31 pm
by waxman
Have a pair of mags for SK, and another pair for CCI. It may seem a little crazy, but most High Standard owners put up with this nuance. Once mags are adjusted, keep them protected, never drop one, and enjoy!
Substitutes For CCI SV Ammo?
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 1:20 pm
by mr alexander
After running out of CCI, you switched to Fiocchi with complete satisfaction. I am curious...what make and model of .22 pistol are you shooting?
Posted: Thu Nov 21, 2013 3:39 pm
by Rover
S&W M41.
Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 9:08 pm
by Randy
I have 7 High Standards, one is a 22 short gun. SK Standard Plus is my go-to ammunition in all of the long rifle models. Plus it is more accurate than CCI SV. I have never had any problems with it making the pistols function. Here is a chart of some testing I did a couple of years ago.

Posted: Tue Nov 26, 2013 10:41 pm
by john bickar
Try Gemtech as a CCI SV replacement.
Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 5:34 pm
by Chris
I measure the OAL for .22 ammo. Ammo under 0.980" I know will not jam in my Pardini mags. I know some can shoot CCI in a pardini but mine will not allow it. It is 20+ yrs old. I have even modified the mags and that still does not seem to completely resolve the issue so I just shoot shorter ammo.
Posted: Sat Nov 30, 2013 7:16 pm
by Rover
Makes sense.
Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2013 10:57 am
by mparker
CCI SV is rated at 1070 fps muzzle velocity and 102 f/lbs muzzle energy. Find ammo that is similar and you should have good results. Nearly all the better target rounds are similar.
The major issue is consistency with the "bulk grades". Some seem to do well and other don't. I have had some success with the Federal 550 Value Pack bulk stuff but I wouldn't recommend it unreservedly.