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Switching Ammo

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2013 5:17 pm
by PatrickS916
I have been shooting Wolf Match Target for several months indoors and I will be switching to Eley Tenex for a match this weekend. Should i clean the gun before switching? i have read that Anschutz uses fouling barrels but when switching between different ammo brands without cleaning the gun, it will shoot very poorly and erratically for about 20 shots. Could anyone set me straight on this?

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:02 am
by Tim S
Yes, if you don't clean you may find that the rifle takes a few shots to settle down with Tenex. This is generally said to be caused by the different formulas of bullet grease; any inaccuracy lasts until a layer of the new grease has been laid down over the old. I have found the reverse when switching from Eley EPS to Winchesterr T22, the T22's group opened up after five for six shots, one the better quality Eley grease had been overlaid by the Winchester.

However if you clean, you may have to fire fouling shots anyway. Some barrels shoot well when spotless, others like a little grease along the bore.

That said I think it would be sensible to clean anyway, and fire fouling shots on the sighter. If you haven't cleaned for some time, and I take it that you don't clean regularly, you don't want to find mid-way through a match that your groups are opening up because the barrel was too dirty.

Strip the bolt and breech while you are at it. A build up of crud here can make for inconsistent ignition, as cartridge rims won't seat flush against the barrel face. When this happens the case can move when hit by the firing pin, absorbing the blow and delaying ignition. If the breech is dirty, the firing pin probably is too, making it slower.

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2013 10:52 am
by PatrickS916
Thanks, i will clean it thoroughly before I leave Friday and make sure i take a few sighters before the match

clean rifle

Posted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 8:40 pm
by HPitts
Why not go to the match with a clean rifle any way?

Posted: Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:18 pm
by tenring
Your never ever ever supposed to clean your rifle HPitts! Don't you know that?



Posted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 1:09 am
by HPitts
Tenring ,

I guess I have been doing this the wrong way then.
