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Who's going to Bristol for the 2014 SB championship

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 11:58 am
by bdutton
Since the powers that be decided that SB will have to move from Camp Perry to Bristol Indiana, I'd like to know how many people are thinking about attending or not.

Please indicate yes no or maybe.

If you choose maybe, please explain.

Also, if you vote yes or no, comment if you have been to either Camp Perry, Bristol or both in the past.

Smallbore Championships

Posted: Fri Aug 16, 2013 3:48 pm
by Hap Rocketto

I have shot the Metrics at Bristol once and Camp Perry every year, but one, since 1975.

Bristol is on my calendar for 2014. The National Championship is the National Championship regardless of location. The SB Championship has been fired in seven different locations, this will be the eighth.

I'd also rather not hear any second hand stories about the conduct of the match at the new location. I'd rather be there and see it first hand.

It will be a trifle more expensive and a longer drive but I wish to support my sport as much as I can.

That being said, I am not happy about the temporary move but it is what it is.


Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 2:26 pm
by Dan P
I'm a maybe simply because I don't know what my availability is going to look like next July. In a way, this is a plus for me since I can shoot both metric and conventional nationals in less time than in past years.
I'll miss commercial row and space on the range might be at a premium (depending on how many show), but at least I won't have to worry about the roof blowing down and the weather should be better.

Posted: Wed Aug 21, 2013 4:09 pm
by Guest
For me, the actual match is a small part of the experience. I don't care about the awards, because those are reserved for a select few- so a promise of cash and prizes means nothing to me except higher match fees. Commercial Row is very important, it is the one time I can actually see and touch all the new gear to make better purchasing decisions. I get my Air Rifle pellet tested with Pilk, then head to the CMP indoor range to try out the new lot on Megalink targets. We visit the CMP store, we stay in the WWII huts, and it really makes my day to start things off with a cannon. Perry is my tradition, my family reunion: seeing those from other states and bumping into people from home. We go into town for ice cream, take funny pictures with Big Boy, and enjoy seeing both the sunrise and the sunset over the water.

I am not going to Indiana.


Posted: Thu Aug 22, 2013 5:51 am
by proneshooter
I do not intend to shoot the Indiana match.
First they (NRA) changed the match format to an unpopular 1200. Since the shooters accepted it now we get pushed off of Camp Perry to help support the other bad decision known as the Metric Championships.
It was just easier to move us than go to the trouble of allowing smallbore to shoot in the junior camp facilities. At least then we would have enough parking and commercial row. Smallbore puts a bunch of money into the local economy and times are tough. This is how the NRA helps a community that supports shooters.

Posted: Tue Aug 27, 2013 12:27 pm
by bdutton
I am 90% certain I will not be going. I have at least one junior that is going to go to Ft Benning to try to get the attention of some college coaches. I have a batch of new young shooters joining the team that will probably not be ready for a big match. I am left with 3 experienced juniors with the ability to attend and no fired team matches sinks the deal for me. Top that off with limited housing, parking and space to setup a staging area makes it even less likely I will go. I'll probably take my kids to Ft Benning too.

Posted: Wed Aug 28, 2013 12:01 am
by Levergun59
First of all, I love the Bristol range. I shot the pistol regional there for many years. It is a pretty range and the people who run the matches are wonderful
It is not Perry by any stretch of the imagination. My kid may shoot this match, or he might switch over to the dark side to shoot the AR matches. It's to early too say. No commercial row is a big negative. He is growing like a weed and we like to try on the new shooting apparel to see if it will fit him for one or two years. That is one of the biggest problems for Junior shooters, the majority of which shoot the 3P championships.

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 5:59 pm
by Telecomtodd
I've got a different take. I moved this past winter to northern Illinois and couldn't believe that the matches would be within a short driving distance of my new home. That being said, I sold my rifle due to the complete lack of locations or competition for smallbore. Then fate arrived; I'll post about it elsewhere, but I'm being asked to build a new range, and I asked if it would be OK to make it at *least* 50 yards, and make it a public/private location for competition. The answer was - would you do it for us?

So I'm excited about the matches in Indiana, and hope to have some young folks to at least bring out there and show what the Big Show is all about.

And yes Abi, I miss Andy's already, and I can't even eat ice cream anymore.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 8:35 am
by Levergun59
Are you nuts, there are plenty of smallbore competitions both indoor and outdoors in Ill and Wi. I will message you.

Posted: Tue Sep 03, 2013 3:02 pm
by WRC177
Plenty in Ill? Chris! I can count on the fingers of one hand all the indoor & outdoor smallbore rifle matches in Ill., and our club hosted two of them this spring. If you know of plenty more, please speak up, some of us are champing at the bit ready and waiting to participate. (Wis might have a few more, but we don't always hear about them in Ill)

BTW - Bristol Ind is a great range, well shaded, with a wide asphalt, permanently roofed (not canopied!) firing line, with enough room for your gear directly behind you. What's NOT to like as a shooter?!