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The NRA Smallbore Prone Championships, the back story

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 9:11 pm
by nimrodf
As "clamdigger" mentioned in his post "The NRA took down all the canopies Saturday morning prior to the start of prone due to damage from the storm and never put them back up since they did not have enough surplus equipment."

Here's the "rest of the story"

Saturday morning was a bit of a surprise to the assembled prone shooting masses (including the exceedingly pleasant British team who were really good sports at being beat in the Pershing Match, but that's another story.)

As we arrived at 6:30 am (necessary for the best parking spots) we found that not just a bit of the cover had blown down but somewhere between a half and two thirds of it.

My firing point was somewhere down under the canopy as it heads towards the ground

Some of the parts were a "bit" bent....

Fortunately team "Whack-a-mole*" came to the rescue and had the canopy removed by about 9 am.
*Whack-a-mole" was the process of removing the cross pieces in three mighty blows, one of which require the whacker to spin around one-eighty and get the last cross piece. I am happy to report that neither the whackers or moles were injured in the process :)

And the SB shooters had to "man-up" (or is that person-up?) and make like HP shooters :(

But the herd survived
and I think most of the folks had a good time

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 8:59 am
by bdutton
Great pictures! I'm going to steal these for FB if that's ok.

Posted: Tue Jul 30, 2013 11:16 am
by nimrodf
Feel free to use them

Posted: Fri Aug 02, 2013 2:37 pm
by PatrickS916
That was just a very depressing day in general, due to our entire tent area being underwater, but we made do and just walked around barefoot. It wasnt too bad not having the cover, the worst part was sunburn on the back of our legs and the very occasional rain.