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LP50 pulls to left

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:26 am
by PeteS
In shooting my recently acquired (used but recently serviced by Pilk) LP 50, I have noted a distinct tendency to pull ever so slightly to the left, which is not present when bench sighting. We're talking less than a centimeter, but enough to pull a ten to a 9 or 8. I suspect that it is caused by the magazine movement, which is also toward the left. Anyone else find this also happens? If so, is the solution to re-sight with that in mind? Comments and thoughts appreciated.

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 10:37 am
by David Levene
IMHO bench sighting is a waste of time, apart from for very rough adjustments.

Adjust the sights by shooting the way you normally shoot the gun.

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:18 am
by Gerard
I'd suspect some sort of error in the trigger-finger placement. Check these documents and perhaps adjust trigger position accordingly. ... alysis.pdf ... alysis.png

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:32 am
by PeteS
Gerard wrote:I'd suspect some sort of error in the trigger-finger placement. Check these documents and perhaps adjust trigger position accordingly.
I suppose I should have said that it is not happening with every shot, but enough that there seems to be a pattern with this particular pistol. I should also have said that it does not seem to matter whether the air tank is full or near empty, and that it does not happen with any of my single-shot pistols (K58, 162EI, 46M). However, I have adjusted the trigger location for each of the others, and have not yet done so for this one. Also, this is the first 5-shot I have used, so I have no basis for comparison with other 5-shots. I will have a look to see whether the trigger can be adjusted for my finger, and see if that makes a difference. Thanks.

Posted: Mon Mar 25, 2013 12:23 pm
by RobStubbs
It's almost certainly a shooter induced error. Where does you're follow through tell you the gun was pointing ?


Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 1:06 am
by Neon21
two hints from my side:

-Watch the pressure of your thumb to the grip.
-Aim (unloaded) and get very much pressure on the trigger (about 4 - 5kg),
the sights shouldn't move to any direction, if they do, adjust the trigger in the distance to the grip. (moving to the left sight -> trigger has to be closer to the grip)

Posted: Tue Mar 26, 2013 3:23 am
by Tycho
I've been shooting LP5 and LP50 for some years, and while the mag movement is noticeable (on a good day), it comes too late to influence the shot. The slide is pretty heavy and has to move backwards to release the mag, and that takes more time than for the bullet to leave the barrel.