Abi wrote:In other words, if we were putting together an Open Club team (2.11b), would it be necessary or beneficial to "affiliate" with the NRA.
No, you do not have to affiliate and the shooters do not even have to be NRA members.
Tori has been working very hard over the last few years to try and make this clear, but the way that the NRA requires that the programs be published tends to make that unclear.
The two shooters I had this year were individuals from schools that have no shooting club at all. They are simply shooters enrolled full time in school ... one a University and another a local community college.
I think that this program that the NRA has put together is one of the best ways to carry shooters over from their high school years, thru college, and into their "adult" lives. I encourage all who may be in the position of being in a "college", not shooting on an NCAA team, be it individual or with the club to shoot in the NRA Intercollegiate Sectional, including ROTC programs.
--- Don't have a sectional nearby? Get a few shooters together and do one yourself ... contact Tori and she'll guide you thru getting it done.
Victoria "Tori" Croft
National Manager,
NRA Collegiate & School Programs
11250 Waples Mill Road
Fairfax, VA. 22030
ph: 703.267.1473
fx: 703.267.3941
The national intercollegiate sectional bulletin lists shooters broken out by NCAA, Intercollegiate "club", and ROTC.
If you are an undergraduate shooter, full time in college, in community college, even full time in a trade school, you should try and get to this match.
Coverage: Any match at Benning is going to be hampered by coverage to the internet. They are one of the largest military bases in the US, and thus have security concerns.
NRA tends to think that the match bulletin (sent in August) is enough.
They did have some "coverage" and photos on the NRABLOG.com, but nothing like everyone's scores.
Some still live in the dark ages as it would not be hard at all with a wireless hotspot to get these out. My shooters took their banquet bulletins back to school with them yesterday, else I'd scan & post.
Eventually, results will make their way to this page ... currently has sectional and past championship results.
http://competitions.nra.org/news-and-ev ... oting.aspx