Walther LGR Match questions

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Walther LGR Match questions

Post by Sa-tevo »

When did Walther transition from M17 front sights to M18 front sights?

When did the rear sight change from a square body with small knobs to a angle bottom body with large knobs?

How long do the seals last?

All-in-all, a very good piece of gear for a beginner (me). The trigger is a very nice two stage in mine, and the rifle makes tight three shot ovals off a sandbag. (Anything larger is the operator's fault)

Now if I could just make my standing groups smaller than my pistol groups...
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LGR seal life

Post by 3P-Walther »

My LGR was a 1982 model. It had the larger (Anschutz-size inserts) front sight and the angled rear sight with large knobs. The angled bottom corner of the rear sight housed the spring plunger to maintain tube tension against the adjusters. I replaced the seal about 2 years ago, and have not replaced the piston. The parts came from Pilk Guns. If you always discharge the air and leave the trigger in the "just fired" uncocked mode, the seals will not be seated and thus will last longer. Make sure to use only Beeman or other Walther compatable oils to avoid seal trouble, as some types of oil will mess with the seals. Don't over do it with the oil either.
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Post by Sa-tevo »

How much leakage at the breech block is normal? The front seal (rear of barrel) is tight but the reservoir side leaks a little bit. The rear will raise a business card about an inch when the rifle is fired. Both seals look good and are above the block surface.
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Post by 3P-Walther »

The breech block should not leak. If it does, you should expect some velocity variations shot to shot - not good for groups. I have never had to replace the seals on the breech block. I leave it open whenever the rifle will not be used immediately, between matches, storage, transport, etc, to avoid constant compression of the seals. As an aside, the shootability of the LGR is improved if a 'speed kit' is installed. It is a group of lighter / lower mass parts that replace the original valve release linkage in the gun. (user installed) It speeds up the lock time (not muzzle velocity) quite a lot, reducing the sensitivity to follow-through. My gun shot smaller groups off the bench after installing a speed kit. I don't know who might have those now. I got mine 30+ years ago.
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Post by Sa-tevo »

Thanks for answering my questions 3P-Walther. I loosened up the barrel screw and moved the barrel back a skosh and the leak is gone. Like my MP-46M pistol, I keep the LGR stored with the breech open.

The LGR Match I recently acquired looks to have been a safe queen. It has a M17 front sight and square rear sight. The stock is in very good shape, no wear showing on the metal, but just a few hazes of rust starting to show on the blueing. Really nice trigger.

I've put a Centra front sight on it to use clear apertures, but the rear is almost at the end up its up travel. You've piqued my curiosity with the firing group kit, but rather than go on a Tyrone Slothrop chase for one, I think I'll use this fine rifle to practice my technique.
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