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Savage Anschutz Model Match 64

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:06 am
by pierre
I have a Savage Anschutz Model Match 64 target rifle. I haven't used it in many years, its been a padded rifle case. My problem is that I cannot remove the bolt, it seems to be locked closed somehow. Will I have to remove the trigger assembly on order to remove the bolt? Help!

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:32 am
by Tim S
Do you mean that the bolt will open, but you cannot remove it from the receiver? Or that the bolt will not unlock, and remains closed?

The Match 64 doesn't have a separate release catch like the M54. You have to press the trigger back as you pull out the bolt. Later M64s, like the 1903, require the trigger sfater to be pressed forwards too when the bolt is withdrawn.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 12:08 pm
by pierre
The bolt will not unlock, and remains closed? The safety only moves about a1/4 inch.

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2013 11:38 pm
by justadude
Frankly it sounds like the bolt is some how locked closed. There isn't anything in the mechanism that would normally allow the bolt to be locked closed.

If there is any wiggle you might just have to keep working the handle up and down to see if more play develops. Taking the action out of the stock and removing the trigger may help insure that something is not somehow lodged in the mechanism to prevent the bolt from opening.

Bottom line, there really is no magic here. Safey moving forward and back about 1/4 inch... sounds about right.


Savage Anschutz Model Match 64

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 9:19 am
by pierre
There is very little movement in the bolt, I removed the nut holding the trigger assembly but I cannot get it to move or come loose..I think I need a schematic to see if there's a way to disassemble it. Does anyone know where I can get a good schematic, I would appreciate it very much. Thank all of you guys for your help.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:48 am
by Tim S
Anschutz have a fairly comprehensive selection of manuals and exploded diagrams as PDF files on their website. ... &sprache=1

If the bolt is locked shut, I would suspect that something inside it is preventing it from camming open. Short of spraying the bolt liberally with a thin penetrating oil, I'd suggest a trip to a gunsmith.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 11:48 am
by pierre
Thanks Tim for the Anschutz PDF diagram I have something to work with before taking it to a gunsmith. I'l keep you and everyone else posted...........Thanks again.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 1:49 pm
by Marcus
I seem to remember the safety inserts a pin into the bolt handle which would prevent the bolt from being opened when the safety is on. I looked at the picture and it seems to verify this.

Is the pin still inserted into the bolt?

The other cause of a stuck bolt is lack of lubrication. The internals need to be "lightly" lubed for the bolt to function. If it has been stored the lube may have dried out and now it is stuck. I would take the trigger off and then liberally lube the bolt from the bottom. If you can slightly lift the handle to open it a bit to get some lube into the internals of the bolt that should help. While you are applying it and waiting for it to work keep the muzzle straight down so any lube that you do get in there will be pulled by gravity to the inner workings of the bolt.

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2013 10:06 pm
by RossM
Marcus' comment about lubrication is sound.

I have seen bolts having to be opened by 4 strong men and a horse. Merely from the back of the bolt handle having welded itself against the action. It is truly amazing what a smidgeon of oil does!!!

Aim the penetrating oil around the part of the bolt handle meets the action.