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Air pistol VS Freepistol

Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 9:36 pm
by K38
How do the sight pictures and difficulty of air pistol compare with Freepistol? I know that AP scores are higher, but do the two targets look anything alike at there proper distances? I just do not shoot enough FP to know. I use my indoor AP range to dry fire with my TOZ, and my rather weird Morini CM 80.



Posted: Thu Feb 14, 2013 11:33 pm
by conradin
Install SCATT and print out both targets but make sure they are both at 10M. You will see the slight difference there.

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 12:37 am
by dflast
Agreed about the practical solution to use on an AP practice range but the difference is maybe not so slight! Scatt software was a free download the last time I looked.

Try hanging a 10m air pistol target at 50 feet: the scoring rings on a 50m precision pistol target reduced for 50 foot gallery shooting, are nearly an exact overlay of the standard 10m (approx. 33ft) AP one.


Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 1:28 am
by Joakim
Certainly good advice from both, but just to simply give you the numbers: the black of the FP target will be 40 mm at 10 metres, compared to the black of the AP target which is 59.5 mm. Almost exactly two-thirds. As for the scoring rings, calibre adjustment comes into play: the "10" ring for a 10 metre FP target should only be (50 + 5.6)/5 – 5.6 mm = 5.5 mm, which is only slightly larger than the "inner 10" ring on the AP target. No wonder FP scores are lower!

Posted: Fri Feb 15, 2013 6:38 am
by jipe
The size of the FP target is also different, the perceived size of the FP target is much smaller: it is 50cm at 50m, so equivalent to 10cm at 10m while the AP target is 17cm.

When you have to place your sights on the FP target below the black (sub six), there is much less white place than on the AP target and it is a very different experience, therefore you really need to train at 50m or to make reduced target that match the perception of the FP target.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 4:54 pm
by Chris
Given the 50' FP target 10 ring is about the same size as the 10m AP target 10 ring. Now when shooting the FP to get a 10 you are not allowed the same amount of error in your aiming as you are with AP.

I seem to remember you have about a 1 deg of on the FP target and 3 deg on the AP target to get a 10. I could have the exact numbers wrong but you get the idea.

FP is harder and the scores are lower because of it. Some think the 50' FP target is harder than the 50m FP target. I have not noticed a difference in my overall scores.

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 8:34 pm
by K38
Is there a target on the web that is a 10 meter FP target. The SCATT program is only PC and I am a MAC person. Barring that could someone make one. I think it would be a handy thing for many.

Thanks to All,


(The Fat Kid with Glasses)

(Actually I am down 176 pounds 420 to 236, Party time at 220 and 200)

I have lost arm muscle though, I cannot pull the 70 pound bow I used to shoot and I cannot hold a target pistol as long as I did. But I feel much better and I can walk over 6 miles without stopping!

I really am grateful for you guys out there, I live on Pluto and there is no one else to talk to about "real" shooting.

50m FP reduced to 10m

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2013 10:43 pm
by jabberwo
Here ya go.

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 9:18 am
by K38
THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
