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Jin on Korean variety show

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:44 pm

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:06 am
by seamaster
That was fun !! Shooting should be fun.

That was more fun than all the chit chat on whether Russ is contributing or not.

As far as Russ goes, back in 2005, our host Scott made it plenty clear in the forum:

Posted: Mon Sep 19, 2005 3:06 pm Post subject:
I have re-opened this discussion. You are certainly welcome to post here, but I would prefer you post discussion type items, not constant advertisements as others have mentioned. If you have something special going on, a clinic somewhere or something, then yes, it's OK to tell us about it. But constantly telling us about your school, is as others have mentioned, nothing but an advertisement and that gets old fast.

There a number of recent threads in Shooter's Lounge and the Pistol forum where your expertise would valuable, Calming myself, trigger control, mental aspects, are all recent posts that you could give your thoughts, advice and wisdom that would be good for everyone. Thiswould give the readers a small taste of what your school and teaching abilities are like, and if they like what they taste, they might be willing to spend a few dollars to come and take you one of your classes. A more subtle advertising approach if you will.

Best Regards

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:28 am
by Russ
seamaster, take a look to the topic: "Jin on Korean variety show" .... it is not about me, but you can not take my name from your head... ;)
By the way, I like you ALL!:) Even some of you who does not like me :))

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 1:12 am
by Gerard
Irrelevant Russ aside... Is that a CO2 powered airsoft pistol he and his teammate are using on the show? Looks to be of rather high quality, but if it is an airsoft pistol it would seem they were being asked to shoot a Q-tip at more than 15 feet range with a pistol which has a potential accuracy of perhaps 1/2" at that range. Amazing that Jin was able to hit it, unless it was some sort of blow-back pellet pistol I've not seen before.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:11 am
by Russ
seamaster wrote:
"That was fun !! Shooting should be fun.
That was more fun than all the chit chat on whether Russ is contributing or not.

In many cases, we speak in different languages; I’m not talking about grammar, English or Japanese. I’m talking about the meaning of values behind certain terms in our language. For example, the meaning of fun in Olympic style target shooting for me is different than yours. This is why you cannot learn from me even if I will open my system in front of you. You must be preconditioned to learn my values, and make efforts to learn from me. Let’s go back to Greg’s posts. What did you learn from it? When I read his last statements, I found that what I’m teaching and learned over the competitive years is very similar to his description. I can see the importance of it, but many of “TT” participants are not.
Another example “fun” for me is to perform AP at a level over 580. If it will be less, I will be disappointed of my performance. I will do a lot of things in order to achieve my goal which is not associated with word “fun”.
We all have different standards and measurements for our behavior and character. “Abhinav Bindra was not satisfied when he scored 600” did you miss this part too? For me this statement means a lot! Did you learn anything from this statement?

Dennis, I will appreciate your comments.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 7:25 am
by conradin
The girl who shot after Jin was Kim Jang-Mi, the other Olympic Gold Medalist.

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 10:44 am
by Russ
Gerard wrote:Irrelevant Russ aside... Is that a CO2 powered airsoft pistol he and his teammate are using on the show? Looks to be of rather high quality, but if it is an airsoft pistol it would seem they were being asked to shoot a Q-tip at more than 15 feet range with a pistol which has a potential accuracy of perhaps 1/2" at that range. Amazing that Jin was able to hit it, unless it was some sort of blow-back pellet pistol I've not seen before.
Hello Gerard.
Why are you following me everywhere? Are you stuck at some level and do not understand what to do next? You feel and you know that I have something what you need, but you cannot get it for free? Is it all about?

I have inspirational message about "fun" from seamaster.
I’m trying to "have fun" like anybody else here, but you are trying to make me work. ;) It is so selfish to look toward only own needs. :) Remember, we are bounded together with the one goal “to have more fun.”

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:50 am
by Spencer

Behave yourselves, or be sent to the naughty corner!

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:56 pm
by v76
Absolutely no movement with that kind of pistol, great!