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Kim Rhode

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 1:24 pm
by tleddy
I am sure that this unique accomplishment will be featured on MSN and Olympic Coverage for days (SARCASM).

For All Media: July 30, 2012

Washington, D.C. – Through London’s rain and lightning, U.S. Olympian and SCI Life Member Kim Rhode became the first U.S. athlete to win five medals in five consecutive Olympic games, and also broke an Olympic record of shooting 99 out of 100 targets. This historic accomplishment was triggered when Kim won the gold medal in Women’s Skeet.

“The hunting and shooting community is reveling in Kim’s astounding accomplishment from this weekend’s Olympic Skeet Shooting gold medal performance,” said SCI president John Whipple. “Not only did Kim set an Olympic record of shooting 99 out of 100, she also is the first American athlete to win a medal in five consecutive Olympic Games. She embodies the excellence of an Olympic legend.”

“SCI is proud to sponsor Kim Rhode during her historic win. Her performance definitely puts women’s skeet on the map for the general public to fully appreciate. Thank you to Kim for being a true ambassador for the sport,” concluded Whipple.

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2012 5:20 pm
by tedbell
It was pretty cool to watch. Does anyone know any other athlete who has medaled in five consec Olympics? The way every report on this, both before and after, always states "first American" to do so makes it sound like at least one other athlete has done so before. Anyone know who and in what sport? I have not been able to find anything online.

Her husband's interview was pretty funny. Sounds like a very supportive guy:
"I can play guitar better than her," said Mike Harryman, Rhode's oft-humbled husband. "I have to say that because everything else, she does better. I bowled a 186 once. I thought that was the best score ever, and she scored a 215. She's even better at fishing."

Ted Bell

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 2:20 am
by Mako
There was a nice write up in USA Today ... can't find the link at the moment

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:24 pm
by Pat McCoy
Aladár Gerevich won 6 consecutive gold medals in Team Sabre Fencing between 1932 and 1960 (he may have won 8 but for the war).

Birgit Fischer won 6 consecutive golds in kaying from 1980 to 2004 and may have won 7 but for the boycott by East Germany in Los Angeles

Next is Steve Redgrave who won 5 consecutive golds in rowing while three men - Carl Lewis in the Long Jump, Al Oerter in the discuss and Per Elstrom in saling won four consecutive golds in individual events.

Read more: ... z22F2rfgr1

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 5:42 pm
by Mako
And now Phelps has won 19 medals, including 15 Golds ... over three Olympics

can't believe...

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 8:16 pm
by jacques b gros
what I'm seeing: two people, supposedly shooters, degrading the accomplishment of a fellow shooter.
Is it because it's a lady?
Any of you ever did get close to the Olympic indexes to participate in a national selection, and I mean closer than the internet?
I dropped out of shooting in my state 'cause the shooters here bitch more than they shoot (and both shoulders add to 124 yrs old), spent months without visiting TT and find this mound of warm and smelly substance in the first page!
Good by!

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 10:41 pm
by Mako
Explain yourself ?

Everyone agrees what Kim did was FANTASTIC and singular! ... we're simply also pointing out other great Champions ...

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 12:00 am
by Gerard
Yeah, um, Jacques, are you sure you read this thread correctly? Or perhaps you posted that somewhat harsh comment in the wrong thread by mistake? There's nothing here but praise, acknowledging the accomplishment of great competitors.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:30 am
by tedbell

I think you misunderstood. Pat and Mako's posts were in response to my question a few posts up asking about Kim being referred to as the first American to medal in 5 consec Olympics, which suggested others had before her. I had not been able to find out who had previously and asked. None of us were in any way disparaging her phenomenal accomplishment. She's a great person and one of the best shotgunners in history.

Ted Bell

Re: can't believe...

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:25 am
by Zoomies
jacques b gros wrote:what I'm seeing: two people, supposedly shooters, degrading the accomplishment of a fellow shooter.
Is it because it's a lady?
Any of you ever did get close to the Olympic indexes to participate in a national selection, and I mean closer than the internet?
I dropped out of shooting in my state 'cause the shooters here bitch more than they shoot (and both shoulders add to 124 yrs old), spent months without visiting TT and find this mound of warm and smelly substance in the first page!
Good by!
You need to read the posts more closely and lighten up Fancis.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:41 am
by Freepistol
Mako wrote:And now Phelps has won 19 medals, including 15 Golds ... over three Olympics
They were calling him the "greatest Olympian" this morning because of all the medals. I agree he is an outstanding Olympian, however, he swims in many events every 4 years. He has many more opportunities than others to win medals. I don't know what is his win percentage, however, to call him the greatest based on medal count is slighting many other athletes in other sports including the winter olympics.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:44 am
by Cobbslane
Now if you really want something to complain about you should live here in the good 'ole UK . We are blessed with a great set of Games so far with some superb results (including shooters from USofA) but can we watch them on tv - nah! All rights bought by NBC and if you don't have an NBCTV card you're stuffed. Of course we could buy tickets but guess what.... they all went to sponsors and well heeled individuals too. Oh and if you are a junior you were not allowed to buy tickets for ANY shooting event at the Games at all as decreed by the London Mayor - Boris no less!
My advice is watch out 'cos this anti-shooting attitude seems to be heading your way too as a result of idiots we breed in this world.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:02 am
by Mako
A friend who lives in London complained that weeks ago the Shooting events were sold out ... and as compared to other events ... the stands DO seem filled up.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:05 am
by Mako
re: Phelps ... yes, he's had more opportunities, but he's also taken them as opposed to other swimmers and athletes who specialize or are more cautious.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:23 am
by Richard H
Cobbslane wrote:Now if you really want something to complain about you should live here in the good 'ole UK . We are blessed with a great set of Games so far with some superb results (including shooters from USofA) but can we watch them on tv - nah! All rights bought by NBC and if you don't have an NBCTV card you're stuffed. Of course we could buy tickets but guess what.... they all went to sponsors and well heeled individuals too. Oh and if you are a junior you were not allowed to buy tickets for ANY shooting event at the Games at all as decreed by the London Mayor - Boris no less!
My advice is watch out 'cos this anti-shooting attitude seems to be heading your way too as a result of idiots we breed in this world.
NBC has US TV rights, why can't you watch them on BBC? I've been watch the live and on demand video of events on BBC and I'm in Canada. The Canadian TV rights are owned by CTV.

I thought that kids not being allowed to shooting venues had been cleared up.

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:29 am
by Richard H
Mako wrote:re: Phelps ... yes, he's had more opportunities, but he's also taken them as opposed to other swimmers and athletes who specialize or are more cautious.
That would make him the best swimmer, which I really don't think there is much argument about. It really is impossible to compare performances in different sports to one another.

Many sports only give you one chance to win a medal, so for them to be considered the greatest Olympian by the standards that Michael Phels is being judged they'd have to compete in 19 Olympics, let's say they start at 16, 19 Olympics would take place over 76 years meaning the athlete would be competing at 92 years of age.

I personally think more of athletes that over came greater odds to compete as opposed to those that simply won more, but that's my own personal definition. A prime example is the Hawian Ironman, I'm always moved more by those that finish late at night then those that finish at the top. The Hoyt's definitely fall in that group to this day when I hear their story it brings a tear to my eye. If you don't know the story look it up on You tube.

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 11:15 pm
by peterz
There was a very good ar tickle abr Rohde in the Thursday Washington Post!!



Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:09 pm
by redschietti
Phelps swims all the strokes at the highest level and they are very different.

There is no reason I know of that a shooter couldnt compete in rifle and pistol and shotgun. Multiple golds in shooting are very possible...we just dont believe it is.

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:50 pm
by Richard H
Actually there are rules regarding being on the National team in Canada that allows you to only shoot pistol, rifle or shot gun. I really doubt the Canadian rules are unique, I would be surprised if other NGB didn't have similar rules.

Outside of the Olympics it would be hard to shoot all three as at the world cup level some of the events are at the same time and for many of the shotgun events they are in different parts of the world and can be at the same time or so close as to make participation impossible.

I don't think anything here is meant to diminish anyone's accomplishments. As I said it just really impossible to compare different sports to one another.

Michael Phelps, Kim Rhodes and others are simply great Olympians, that should be good enough. Which one is greater than the other is really just an exercise in silliness by commentators.