Noptel questions

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Noptel questions

Post by plink182 »

Anyone with a Noptel know the answer to these questions.
1) The manual mentions modifying a configuration file (on older release) to mount the sensor upside down on top of the gun instead of hanging below. On the new release that file does not exist. Is it still possible to mount this way?

2) I am interested in NRA pistol but the target editor does not properly scale the outer rings, is there a way to do this better? It does not come with NRA style B6 or B8 targets in the system by default. Has anyone built these?

3) I want to practice rapid fire on one target. It supports rapid fire and multiple targets. I found a check box in the rapid fire setup for one target but does it show all hits on that one target when done this way. I have not figured out how it is supposed to work. Manual is weak in this area.

4) Has anyone used 22 live pistol fire with this unit? Will it survive? I have the older unit with a fragile looking mounting system.
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Post by Isabel1130 »

I think I can answer most of your questions.

You should be able to mount the Noptel on any part of the gun you want to as long as the Noptel sensor is pointed at the Noptel reflective target.

You can do the math to scale the rings for an NRA bullseye target but the custom settings only allow for you to scale the inner two or three rings correctly. You cant tell the software that anything outside of the five ring is a zero.

I dont know about the rapid fire on one target. Never tried it.

The standard Noptel system is set up for ten meters. If you want to go further out from there, it will be a very expensive target upgrade.
I am sure it will hold up under live fire if the NOPTEL is not attached to the slide. The trick is going to be setting the Noptel reflector at 10 meters, and the live target at 50 feet or more ( and then the issue will be getting the Noptel to point at the Noptel reflector, while your sights on your gun are adjusted for the real target without accidentally shooting through the reflector)

It is a valuble dry fire system. I dont believe it will be easy to use for simutaneous live fire.
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