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New to me IZH-46m

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 3:10 pm
by firefirst
Ok men, I shoot bullseye at the farm with my MKIII slabe side 5.5 bull, I have been shooting for just under a year this time trying to get in the 90's. Now I can shoot alot more with the IZH, and I can shoot in my back yard big back yard! Now I just want to know is there any difference in how I should go about shooting or just mark off 10 yd's and get going O I know get the right target and pellets thanks

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:00 pm
by Brian M
10m is 10.9 yards... you can make it harder if you like, but no reason not to shoot the normal 10m. Center of bull should be 1.4m off the ground.

Anyway, the premise is the same, align the sights and make the gun go off without disturbing them.

Posted: Mon May 28, 2012 4:18 pm
by Coastwatcher
Airpistol is a great way to practice. Concentrate on the basics. It works from the ground up. Your Stance and your Grip have to be consistent, then maintain sight alignment while squeezing the trigger. After the shot breaks follow through by maintaining the sight alignment for a bit before you lower the pistol.

Reload and take a few deep breaths and do it again, and again etc...........

It is very therapeutic, my wife calls it my Yoga.