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Just have to tell someone....

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:14 am
by djsomers
Last Sunday I set up my pellet trap and was practicing with a nice used LP10 I found. Shot an 85 and then a 90 at 10 meters outside. I usually check each shot after firing.

Decided to just shoot 10 pellets and not worry about checking each one. Grabbed 10 Vogel pellets and was super relaxed and focusing on front sight.

4 holes! 7 x/10's, 2 9's, and an 8. I know the photo is not too good but the center hole is definetely the only multiple pellet hole.

I was giddy. My wife thought I had lost it. I may never shoot that well again but I now know I can and it was really fun!

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:27 am
by Clintw
Nice! Others say this is a mental game. Now you know your equipment and skills are capable. Never think it won't happen every time.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:33 am
by Deigeh Nisht
Good Show!

It is not only mental game; it is not only technical game

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:43 am
by Russ
It is not only a mental game; it is not only a technical game either(Ammo and ISSF Pistol or Rifle). It is as well a game of knowledge (System, Strategy, Support, and Structure). Take one element out of your performance and you can be lost with the equipment race forever. :)
Good point by the way. Good ammo is a very valuable point!

Hoorray, my maiden post in this forum!

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:51 pm
by andrea
you just made me very worried.
I am a longtime Black Powder shooter and, in order to improve my shooting technique (as well as to have simpler training session), I bought a BNIB IZH-46, still CCCP made, for the hefty sum of 50 Euros, and joined a class at my firing range.
While the instructor says it's a good pistol, by looking at the other P10 shooters with Pardinis (I am in Tuscany, close to the Pardini Factory. Everyone has them) I was relaxed thinking "I'll never get the results they are getting with my old soviet iron".
Now, looking at the pictures you posted...
... well, it may be "the re-invention of the wheel", but now I cannot have any excuse. Results are in my mind, not in the tool....

from Sunny Tuscany

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:10 pm
by Russ
Dear Andrea,

There is no reason to worry. I scored 576 with an IZH46M in a sanctioned USAS PTO when I sold my Anschutz compressed air pistol. If you have skills and knowledge, your result will be slightly different, 5 or 6 points down due to working with the lever action mechanism. I do not try to promote "Russian Iron" here; I'm trying to make a point for a competitive shooter that the important value is knowledge. Psychology and equipment is equally important for this game. If you have a few thousand dollars to spend for Pardini, Morini, and Walther; it's up to you. I paid for IZH46M $250.00. If you do not have knowledge, you will lose the game to someone more knowledgeable, regardless of your highly priced equipment. That is it. Thank you for your input.

Re: Just have to tell someone....

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 5:19 pm
by john bickar
djsomers wrote:Last Sunday I set up my pellet trap and was practicing with a nice used LP10 I found. Shot an 85 and then a 90 at 10 meters outside. I usually check each shot after firing.

Decided to just shoot 10 pellets and not worry about checking each one. Grabbed 10 Vogel pellets and was super relaxed and focusing on front sight.

4 holes! 7 x/10's, 2 9's, and an 8. I know the photo is not too good but the center hole is definetely the only multiple pellet hole.

I was giddy. My wife thought I had lost it. I may never shoot that well again but I now know I can and it was really fun!
I'd bet if you plugged or put an overlay on that shot at 11 o'clock, that target is a 97.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:00 pm
by djsomers
Well the target is safely in a plastic sleave and hanging by my desk for inspiration! You might be right about the 97. I was shooting at copier paper targets so they rip a little but will have to get hold of overlay and maybe boost my inspiration by a point.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:07 pm
by zuckerman
I agree with John Bickar, looking at the target it appears another 10 is on your card, and here is where good high quality target paper would help your practice and training, as long as you are shooting well, while using good quality pellets and equipment, not using a high quality paper to track your shooting, to me just does not make sense. A good paper target is what? 6-8 cents each? you might as well benefit from knowing where the pellet actually went, seeings how you put all this time and effort into wanting to shoot better. good shooting too, congratulations.

Posted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:37 pm
by djsomers
I have some good quality targets coming. Just ordered. Two months ago I didnt even have an air pistol and had never shot one. I am gearing up!

Great Shooting

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:54 pm
by ModestoPete
I agree that it looks more like a 97. Now you know you can do it.

Welcome to the 'club'.

Now you need to go out and find some matches in your area!

Posted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 10:15 pm
by djsomers
Well I will be participating in the Kenmore Gun Range AP league (WA). There are a lot of fantastic marksmen and competitors there. My goal is to eventually be competitive and to eventually end up as the first 85 year old to make the Olympic Team. : )


Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:35 am
by Dev
WOW, are sure that you have just begun? Great work.



Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:31 am
by djsomers
Don't worry, the world of AP competitors is safe. I have just started but the key will be consistantly being able to shoot like that. I have a long path before that happens. The exciting thing is now I know I can do it, and I know what it feels like.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 1:03 am
by djsomers
One last part to the story.

I was hopping around with joy and was very impressed with myself. Made the wife come view my accomplishement...

Her response..." I would be impressed if you did that from horseback.."

Wedded bliss......

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:38 pm
by seamaster
That is better than my wife's response, "You will die a lonely man."

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 6:48 am
by andrea
My other half would say: "Quite impressive, but when are you doing the dishes?".

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 10:41 am
by Gerard
I've shown my wife a few nicely shot targets. Stopped doing that some months ago, as her answer is always "hm."

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 11:52 am
by renzo
Enjoy your successes for what they mean to you ....... you're the only one that really cares about them (as everybody does with theirs), and perphaps with some kindred spirits!!!

A long time ago I purchased a book by a renowned skeet world champion, looking for improvement in my hunting bags. The one lesson that stuck with me was something along these lines:

"Next time you win a match, or set a record, go to a diner where you're not known, ask for a coffee and tell the waiter what you've done, and see how much they take off the price of the ticket"

Having said that, and since I consider myself described as a "kindred spirit", congratulations!!!

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 12:28 pm
by Gerard
I should have mentioned that I do have one solid supporter at home; my little boy who's almost 6. He's more eager for me to shoot my first 100 target then I am. In the weeks of training leading up to the local spring match he kept assuring me that I'd win a gold medal, and that confidence from him helped me bring one home. And at my brother's house for a family dinner I got a lot of claps on the back and congratulations offered, as no one knew my shooting was progressing so well. But my wife... she was a little bit confused when I said the day after the weekend match that I'd be shooting for half an hour. "But I thought you'd stop now." She was genuinely puzzled that having won a shiny medal I was going to keep on with this hobby. Explaining that it was only a gold in the Expert class meant little to her, she just went back to "hm." Some people just do not like shooting.