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Pistol Cleaning

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 2:53 am
by trevorw
I have a new Pardini SP 22 and was wondering how many rounds on average before cleaning recommended

any preferred cleaning solvents etc


Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 12:23 pm
by cgroppi
I don't know about others, but I clean all my guns every time I use them, to one level or another. With my S&W model 41, I do a basic field strip, clean all accessible surfaces of powder and lubricant residue with CLP or Hoppe's Elite cleaner on a rag or q-tip, and clean the bore with patches and Hoppe's elite. I use 1 patch with the cleaner, followed by 1 dry patch, followed by 1 lightly oiled patch (Hoppe's Elite oil). From the breech end, of course.

I then wipe down all the steel with a lightly oiled rag (CLP), put a *small* amount of grease or oil on parts that see metal to metal contact (you'll see where the wear is), and reassemble. I use the hoppe's oil or Mil-comm TW25B grease for this. Grease for when you want it to stay where you put it, oil for when you want it to flow around. There's nothing magic about any of the products I use. Many other options are just as good.

Every few thousand rounds or so, I will strip down farther (disassemble magazines, remove the breech face etc), and clean and lubricate extra well.

22LR powder and lubricant residue is very abrasive and gritty. I don't like to leave it in the gun grinding around for any longer than necessary. CF guns will require more aggressive cleaning, airguns almost none (just felt cleaning pellets and an external steel wipedown).

Posted: Sat Jan 28, 2012 8:22 pm
by AlphaDSierra
how often do people usually felt pellet their airguns?

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 2:26 am
by Leon
AlphaDSierra wrote:how often do people usually felt pellet their airguns?
After every session...