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Morini or Pardini?

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 2:51 pm
by Strongwinder
Hello list,
I'd like to learn your opinion on the following guns: Morini CM22M and Pardini SP1 Rapid Fire. I am considering either of them. The Pardini has an electronic trigger and is $700 more expensive ($2,540), other than that they are quite similar to me. If any of you used both guns, what was your preference? And in general - electronic trigger: good or bad?
Regards, Stephan

Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 6:39 pm
by USMC0802
Vladamir has commented in a couple of different posts in the last week or so and has given lots of detailed information about the Pardini and the triggers. They are a must read.
Keep in mind that you don't have to spend $700 more to buy the Pardini. My Morini RF was in the $1700 range as is the Pardini with mechanical trigger.
Do you have a local dealer that will be able to support you after the sale? If so, it might be an advantage to buy what they sell. However you should try and shoot both or at least hold both and see which feels better at a minimum. Both are great guns.
I love my Morini but if I had to do it again I would buy the Pardini electric due to ease of dry firing. However, it is a lot more money and is not necessarily better and possible issues the electronics can have is considered a negative to many.

Posted: Sat Aug 13, 2011 5:16 pm
by jipe
Both are excellent pistols but the feeling they give is very different. The Pardini is heavier and has much more weight on the front.

The electronic trigger is a real advantage for training RF but it is also less reliable than the mechanical trigger.

All that said, these two pistols are too different to only take the electronic trigger and price into account to make a choice, you should try both and find out the one you prefer and is the best for you.

Pardini SP1

Posted: Tue Aug 16, 2011 11:03 pm
by milevsport
I shoot Pardini SP1 since 1996. It is the best pistol for. 25m events. In the ranklist for the rapid fire pistol 9 out of 10 shoot Pardini, and 7 of them SP1. A few remarks on the comments: Pardini can be with heavy front, due to the 6 active counterweights located next to the barrel. Each weighs 17 gr steel or 35 gr. tungsten. For the RF that adds up to 210 grams, which can be removed.
About the price: look at You can buy the SP1 and just upgrade some or all of the weights. Price comes less this way. You can call Vladimir at (813) 748-3378, Tell him what events you need the gun for. He will work with you to choose the best version for you.
If not shooting ISSF rapid fire, you don't need to go with the SP1 RF.
Good luck
Emil Milev