Bullseye in West Michigan

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Bullseye in West Michigan

Post by ServicePistol »

Are there any bullseye competitions in Western Michigan, Kent County, or surrounding area?
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Re: Bullseye in West Michigan

Post by TonyT »

ServicePistol wrote:Are there any bullseye competitions in Western Michigan, Kent County, or surrounding area? Thanks, Tim

Since I have been away from Michigan during the past four winters I have nor participated in the western MI bullseye competitions which normally are winter to early spring affairs. The following info is based on past participation and comments from current participants.

There is an active West Michigan Pistol League which has a bullseye pistol league going from early January through mid-April. In Kalamazoo the Southern Michigan Gun Cluib sponsors ca 10 teams. They have an indoor range with turning targets. They also have outdoor ranges from 7 to 100 yards but no rescheduled bullseye pistol matches at the outdoor ranges. Eric Wheeldryer at On Target Inc. in Kalamazoo would be the person to contact for information.

Kalamazoo Rod and Gun club sponsors either one or two teams during the winter. Their indoor range does not have any ventilation system. When I was in the league I refused to shoot at their range.

The Grand rapids Rifle and Pistol Club was very active in bullseye pistol they ran some 2700's during the winter. They have a nice indoor range and are located on the SW side of Grand Rapids.

There is also an active bullseye pistol club in Ionia which is NE of Grand Rapids. I have shot at Ionia once but was disappointed with the ventilation system at their indoor range (that was ca 10+ years ago). I believe Ionia shoots bullseye at their ouitdoor range during the warmer months.

I am from the Portage, MI area so my bullseye pistol shooting was with SMGC when we fielded 12 teams for the WMPL. I have shot a number of times at the Grand rapids R&P Club - they have a nice indoor facility and well, organized 2700's. The indoor ranges at which I have shot bullseye matches were all 50 ft ranges.

Hope this helps. If you expereince any difficulty getting some info drop me a note.
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Post by ServicePistol »

Thanks for the reply.
I think I'm going to check out the G.R. Rifle & Pistol Club.
My office is a stones throw from there.
I think that may be a good place to start.
Maybe I can find someone to take me under their wing and guide me into Bullseye.
Thanks again,
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Dear Service pistol

Post by crankythunder »

I shoot indoor bullseye winter leagues in the lansing area and have introduced quite a number of new shooters to bullseye. My team shoots against Ionia and I can tell you that they are a great bunch of shooters over there and would welcome you with open arms. shoot me a email at same name at the hoo and we can get details straightened out.

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Post by ServicePistol »

What club in Ionia do they compete at?
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Post by crankythunder »

I think that they are the West Michigan rifle and pistol club.

Check this out:


I am a member of the Capitol City Rifle Club but our home bullseye range is the Capitol Area Sportsmans league on the west side of Lansing.

There are a great bunch of People both at the CCRC and the CASL. Let me know if you decide to pursue winter indoor bullseye and any one of these clubs welcome new shooters with open arms.

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