Rear iris options.

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Rear iris options.

Post by EricP »

I am in the market for an adjustable rear iris. I have pretty much narrowed it down to three models. They are all Anschutz adjustable iris. One has color filters only, one has polarization filters only and the other has color filters and a polarization filter.

The color filter plus polarization iris cost $165. The color filter only and the polarization filter only iris cost $125 each.

If cost is a factor which one would you choose? Is it worth the extra $40 to have both filters?

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Post by tenring »

Hi Eric,

I have recently gone through the same ordeal as you. I've been shooting prone for a little better than a year now and have discovered you never know exactly what is going to give you the most crisp picture on any given condition. Sometimes a color, sometimes polarization, sometimes both. I bit the bullet and bought one with both. It won't hurt to have it if and when you need it. If you really cant justify both I'd go with the color filter iris. It somewhat can have the same effect as a polarizer. In general, I use a color more often than the polarizer.

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Post by skylark »

For an extra $40 I'd have both.

If I absolutely had to choose, I'd probably go with the polariser. When I had a system with multiple coloured filters in, I only ever used the yellow one.
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Post by pmelchman »

get won't regret it. now you just need to spend the time learning the filters and polarizer with the light conditions.
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