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spraying lead, not in a good way

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:50 pm
by Dano the Pirate
I have been shooting a SIG 226 for a couple of years. 400- 600 rounds per week , you can double that on weeks when I compete in Bulls-eye and Combat Competitions.

I have noticed in my recent practice sessions, that there are small holes on the paper outside the target area.

I am shooting 25 yard targets at a distance of 25 yards and using premium ammo. I have sent the weapon back to SIG for an overhaul, cleaning and new barrel that has been tapered for accuracy.

I am stumped, does anyone have any ideas?

little holes

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 9:12 pm
by david alaways
My answer , a pretty bad one. I have seen the little holes a few times(not when Im shooting) When someone shooting is just firing away and they hit the target holder. Most of the older guys on our weds. night(open house) dont even notice. Sometimes during a match they will swear they put 10 holes in the target but we can only find 9 and a bunch of little tiny ones. Alot of shooters jerk or pull that last shot so bad we dont know where its going. I recall at nationals they warn you about hitting the target holder , Hit it twice and your kicked out. First shot of live fire the guy hits the holder, (your not really laughing on the inside) A few more rounds go off then the same guy shots again. 2 shots ,2 target holder hits ,he is told to leave( The laughter is not really almost auditable if you know what I mean, you feel sorry for the guy )

Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 10:18 pm
by Dano the Pirate
Thanks for the answer.

today, there were some yahoos who were rapid firing, with any luck, the results will be different when the range is not so crowded tomorrow.

I will let you know.

I enjoy the guys who shoot the returns and cut the strings, they rate right up there with the guys who shoots the lights out (litterly) at the range.


Posted: Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:52 pm
by david alaways
If someone at your range hasnt shot the lights out, your bucking the odds. Our weds night open house was getting all the blame for the rounds leaving the building. Thats hard to do. They actually built an observatory behind our range just hoping to close us down as soon as a bullet hole was found in it. 50 plus years in the same location in one of the biggest city parks in the US and they put the building in the only place a bullet could hit it. I informed the gun club it was the bulleye shooters doing it , they didnt believe me at first , Then I showed them a target with 4 rounds in it. We then let the oldest (been in the club since it started) shooter put a red dot on his gun. When he shot the dot was EVERYWHERE, We figured out quickly where the other 6 rounds where going.


Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 8:01 am
by PFribley
Some people call it skatter!!!!

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 2:39 pm
by Dave C.

How did you see the red dot "everywhere"?
A red dot sight does not project out side of the sight it self.
Maybe you were "cheek to cheek" and both looking through the
dot sight at the same time?

Dave C.

red dots

Posted: Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:22 pm
by david alaways
How much do you know about shooting ? Most bulleye shooters use a dot ( which only the shooter sees). We let the man use his 45 with a built in dot. It projects the dot. What you dont watch TV. you have never seen the little RED DOT on the target? Dont be a smartass unless you know what your talking about.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 6:44 am
by pgfaini
Lighten up David, maybe if you'd used the term "laser sight", instead of "Red Dot", Dave wouldn't have cracked wise.


Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 7:52 am
by orionshooter
pgfaini wrote:Lighten up David, maybe if you'd used the term "laser sight", instead of "Red Dot", Dave wouldn't have cracked wise.

Excellent obsevation.....even better advice.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:12 am
by Dave C.

I'm only a Distinguished Master,2600Club member and President 100 Badge holder.

Oh yea and Smart ass.

Dave C.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 8:57 am
by Guest
I'm still trying to figure out how this thread went from the initial poster's question about why his gun was producing lead fragments to a rant about a shooter who has difficulty keeping his rounds within the confines of the range and the range's history.

Oh never mind, I just figured it out.

Laser sight

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 9:57 am
by david alaways
After a day of yelling at my employees in the heat I did not like Dave C post and I knew I was taking to far(but I continued anyway), MY APOLOGIES . I have never purchased a LASER SIGHT ! Not being a real gun guy I have always bunched up anything with a little red dot as a red dot. I just figured that would be understood in my post by most shooters. Dave C took my post to the letter of the law. His cheek to cheek comment I didnt like. Being a smartass my self I should have took the humor in it. I have lightened up, Thank you Paul for the correct wording. From one smartass to another Dave , keep up the humor!

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:37 am
by Guest
It's all good.

Dave C.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 10:41 am
by Dave C.
sorry I was logged out.

Dave C.

Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2011 5:44 pm
by Popeye
I prefer fully adjustable iron sights on a 9mm/.45. It seems like cheating with red dot sights! I must be an ISSF shooter at heart.

Anyway, so when training with a 9mm, I like to practice, and test the accuracy of my reloads, at 25m, which seems to me like a reasonable distance, and I can get all the rounds comfortably well in toward the center of an ISSF 25m Rapid Fire target.

However, I'm told that 9mm or higher calibres are not designed to be shot at that distance, and that closer distances are used.

So I'm interested in the "25 yards" post at the start (about 23m), and ask what distance do shooters usually train with a high calibre pistol?


Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 8:34 am
by JamesH
Popeye wrote:However, I'm told that 9mm or higher calibres are not designed to be shot at that distance, and that closer distances are used.
They can shoot much longer distances with no trouble, maybe whoever told you that just isn't a very good shot.

back to the point

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 10:27 am
by Mouse, Anon A.
Why the heck isn't this "discussion" in the pistol forum? You guys have too much time on your hands and clutter up a topic with stupid comments ...

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 3:04 pm
by Guest
Looks like another one who needs to lighten up

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2011 9:11 pm
by Guest
Ha Ha - I thought this was the Shooting Lounge, and we are just chilling out on the Sofas and talking about range action......

I bet "mouse" shoots a Glock 17 at a barn door-sized target at 10m and never reloads his own ammo.... so am I right?


Re: back to the point

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2011 12:06 pm
by Doc226
Mouse, Anon A. wrote:Why the heck isn't this "discussion" in the pistol forum? You guys have too much time on your hands and clutter up a topic with stupid comments ...
Dude-decaf. Chill.