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Looking for match opportunities - North Carolina

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:18 pm
by Charlotte Junior Rifle
The Charlotte Junior Rifle Club is a relatively new program sponsored by the Charlotte Rifle and Pistol Club. We shoot Sporter 3P air rifle and are looking for some friendly match opportunities. Since we are new to the sport and not familiar with many of the rifle programs in our area, we are hoping some of you can point us in the right direction. We know about the CMP matches but that's about all. Any suggestions?


Charlotte Junior Rifle Club

Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2010 9:51 pm
by Soupy44
Hello Charlotte,

I'm located in Raleigh. Unfortunately our junior program doesn't shoot 3P sporter, just precision smallbore and international air. You might try researching if any high schools in the area have JROTC teams.

Also, you don't necessarily have to shoot shoulder to shoulder. You can shoot matchs at your home range on a regular schedule (monthly, bi-monthly, quarterly) and email the scores to other clubs anywhere in the country. Then maybe once or twice a year, you travel to another team, or they travel to you for a shoulder to shoulder match.

And if your kids are interested in trying smallbore, check out the Sir Walter Gun Club website for our smallbore schedule. We have a number of Anschutz 1451s your kids can borrow for our match. Entry fee is only $8 for juniors plus ammo. Let me know if you're interested in doing this (we only have 2 matches left (Sept 11, and Oct 9).

Posted: Fri Aug 20, 2010 12:06 pm
by jhmartin
Also ... don't forget the NRA Postals and the American Legion postal (qualifying) matches. I think every Junior club should have an American legion sponsor post to be able to shoot in the AL matches.

Ole Mill Invitational /

Posted: Sat Aug 21, 2010 7:47 pm
by GCSInc
The 2010 Ole Mill Invitational
at the
Ole Mill Range Complex
Griffin, GA

November 19th, 20th & November 26th, 27th

Official Match Program

The position air rifle tournament will be conducted under the current Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) National Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules as well as the NRA Precision Air Rifle Position Rules and the NRA Sporter Air Rifle Position Rules. In the event of an inconsistency, the most restrictive rule will apply. Smallbore, Air Pistol, PPP, and Air Rifle 60 International Standing are USA Shooting Rules. Rimfire Sporter will be based on modified CMP rules. BB will be conducted under current NRA BB Gun Rules, except where noted in this Official Match Program. All competitors are encouraged to be members of USA Shooting and NRA.

Invitation! Last updated: August 21, 2010
Dear Coaches, Athletes, and Parents:
You are cordially invited to participate in the 2010 Ole Mill Invitational. We offer 4 x 10 BB competition, 3 x 20 Air Rifle for both Sporter and Precision, 3 x 20 50-foot Smallbore, 3 x 20 50-foot Rimfire Sporter (Modified), 60 shot Prone 50-foot Smallbore, 60 shot Standing Air Rifle for both Sporter and Precision, 60 shot Air Pistol, and 40 shot Progressive Position Pistol matches. The 3 x 20 Air Rifle Match is sanctioned as a CMP Cup Match. EIC Points will be assessed and recorded by CMP. We offer “Open” competition for all who do not fall into one of the Junior categories and a Disabled category for those predetermined by NRA as eligible for the disabled category. Air Rifle events are Sporter and Precision. All events are open to Individuals as well as Teams. Most events will be fired with Finals after each relay so that everyone gets the experience of shooting Finals. Athletes will communicate their own Finals shot value by looking through their own spotting scope, and then signaling the Match Director and Spectators, by a raised hand, if the shot value is 10. The match scores with Finals will rank the Top Eight individual competitors only. The individual match scores (not including finals) fired by team members will be added together to determine team winners.

Match Director: Lisa Kelley (770) 467-4225
Chief Range Officer: Roy McClain (678) 772-8185 cell

An entry form is included with this program. Please make as many copies as you need, fill out one legibly, for each competitor, and return it to Carol Gulliford – Spalding County 4H to reserve your entries. The address is included on the entry form.

There are several different age groups for young Athletes (based on athlete age as of Dec.31, 2010).
 Junior (J) – ages 20 years or younger; competitors born from 1990 or later
 Open (O) – ages 21 or over; competitors born from 1989 or earlier
 Disabled (D) – as preclassified by NRA

AWARDS: There must be a minimum of five Competitors in a category to receive awards. If there are fewer than 5 competitors in a category, competitors will be combined with the next logical group. Each event will include a “Champion” award which will be awarded to the overall highest scoring individual in that event. “Champion” recipients will be ineligible for other ‘overall’ awards in that category.

AGGREGATE CHAMPION: A Special Award and Athletes Name and Score are recorded on Permanent Trophy.
Precision Aggregate Champion (Iron Man) Total of 3PAR, SAR, and 3PSB (2100 possible points) Sporter Aggregate Champion (Iron Man) Total of 3PAR, SAR, and RFS (2100 possible points)
EQUIPMENT AND AMMUNITION: Equipment will be checked at this competition randomly. All ammunition, clothing and equipment must comply with current shooting rules for the particular event.

TARGET PACKS: Target Packs provided at registration.

SQUADDING: will be assigned by Match Officials. Coaches should request relays early. Precision and Sporter Athletes will be mixed on the line; there will be no coaching on the line. Only the Statistics Officer (or designee) will make changes in squadding.

CHALLENGES: A scoring challenge fee of $1.00 per manually scored individual target and $3.00 per Orion scored individual target is in effect. Circle the target number associated with each individual target to be challenged. Only the Competitor may challenge.

GUNSMITHING SERVICES: We expect to have a fully certified Air Gun and Smallbore gunsmith on the premises for this Match.

FOOD SERVICE: Water, sodas, and light snacks will be available at the Ole Mill Range. Fast Food is available within a mile of the range, but not within walking distance. A small store is located approximately ½ mile from The Ole Mill Range Complex. Also, check out the link on our webpage for the 2009 Visitors Guide which has many suggestions.

CONTACT INFORMATION: For further information or to call in your registration, contact Carol @ (770) 467-4225 or No entry is "reserved" until payment is received and you receive receipt of return email verification of your reservation. (Please provide a valid email address for the coach/parent). If a team or individual has to withdraw, we'll refund 80% IF we can fill the slot from a standby list (first come, first serve). If reservations and payment are received after all relays are full and we are not able to satisfy the request to the satisfaction of the team or individual, the entry fees will be fully refunded.

*Note* The Match Director will make every attempt to accommodate all reasonable requests and needs. In the event that an unforeseen situation arises, we will do everything possible to facilitate the athletes and competition. The decisions of the Jury and Match Director are final.

*Additional relays will be considered and added based on need and demand.
Please make requests and suggestions known in writing to any match official.
Thank you for your support.

4 Position 5 meter Air Rifle BB Tournament (BB)

Saturday, November 27th
BB Coaches Meeting - 0745
BB Relay 1 - 0800 – 0930
BB Relay 2 - 1000 – 1130
BB Awards - Approximately 1230

• Check-in and late registration will be from 0700 to 0800
• Coaches meeting: Relay 1 at 0745; Relay 2 at 0945
• Sight-in period for Relay 1 starts at 0750. Sight-in period for Relay 2 starts at 0950
• Match starts- Relay 1 - first BB down range at 0800
• One minute prep time for each position. Two minute warning will be called
• Athlete may safely and quietly leave firing line if finished before their 10 minutes are up
• Time will be called when all shots have been fired before the 10 minutes are up
• Finals will be fired after each relay so that everyone gets the experience of shooting Finals
• Volunteers needed for Scoring, Range Safety Officers, and Jury before the Match can begin


• NRA Rules (5-meter rule book)
• Day of Event
• Firing points will be assigned by Range Officials at Registration (Before 0745)
• Pick-up target packet at Registration
• Up to 5 competitors on a team (Top Four Aggregate Scores will determine team score)
• Age Groups shall determine Team Classification. Age grouping determined by Age of competitor as of Dec 31, 2010 (NRA BB Gun Rules 2.3)
• A = 13 – 15 year olds
• B = 11 – 12 year olds
• C = 10 and under
• Team will be classified by the oldest (A - C ) level competitor on the team

• Fees- $15 per Individual competitor + $ 5 per Team. Fees due no later than 15 November
• A late fee of $5.00 (Individuals and Teams) will be charged.

BB AWARDS: There must be a minimum of five Competitors in a category to receive award.

 2010 OMI BB Gun Champion – Aggregate High Score
(not eligible for Overall Individual Age Group award)
 Each of the Four Positions and Finals Per Group (A, B, C)
 Team (Up to Five Members) per Age Group (A, B, C)
 Overall Individual Aggregate Score per Age Group (A, B, C)

 Each of the Four Positions and Finals Per Group (A, B, C)
 Team (Up to Five Members) Per Age Group (A, B, C)

 Each of the Four Positions and Finals Per Group (A, B, C)
 Team (Up to Five Members) Per Age Group (A, B, C)

3Position Air Rifle Tournament (3PAR)

This position air rifle tournament will be conducted under the current Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) National Standard Three-Position Air Rifle Rules as well as the NRA Precision Air Rifle Position Rules and the NRA Sporter Air Rifle Position Rules. In the event of an inconsistency, the most restrictive rule will apply. This tournament is open to Sporter as well as Precision Competitors. Awards will be given for the following categories: Individual Sporter, Individual Precision, Team Sporter, and Team Precision. This 3X20 event is fired with Finals after each relay so that everyone gets the experience of shooting Finals. The 3X20 scores with Finals will rank the Top 8 individual competitors only. The individual 3X20 scores fired by four member teams will be added together to determine team winners (CMP 10.1.5 and NRA 1.7j).
Match 1: Prone Match 2: Standing Match 3: Kneeling Match 4: Finals
Match 5: Aggregate of Matches 1 – 3 Match 6(Team Match): Aggregate of four Match 5 scores

• Georgia and Tennessee residents: GHSA entry is limited to athletes who are enrolled in school through grade 12 and are students in good standing. All GHSA team entries must represent the same school.
• All other entries: Blue Book Club Rules apply.
TEAMS 3PAR- must comply with the following rule 3.2.1
INDIVIDUALS- must comply with one of the following rules 3.1.1 – 3.1.3
• Course of Fire- A 3x20 match as defined in the National Standard 3-P Air Rifle Rules. Athletes
will be given 5 minutes to move their equipment to the line before the preparation period
starts. Preparation time starts 10 minutes before the scheduled match time. There will be a 5 minute change over period between positions. After the kneeling position is completed and the targets are collected, a 5-minute changeover period starts to prepare for the Finals, then the 3-minute Finals preparation period. All competitors will shoot the Finals, but Finals will be used rank the Top 8 individual competitors only.
• Conduct of Match-All Athletes will compete as individuals (no coaching on the line); National
Standard 3-P Air Rifle Rules.
• Team Match-Team scores are determined by a 4-member paper team. Mixed category teams
(precision/sporter) must shoot as precision teams. All team members must be declared at the time of registration at the range. You may enter as many teams as you wish. All team
members do not have to shoot on the same relay as long as all team members are named at
registration and prior to the first team member firing. A competitor may not be a member of
more than one team for this 3PAR event.

• Entry Fees- $20 per individual Athlete plus $20 per team. All team members must compete as
individuals. All Athletes are encouraged to be USA Shooting members. Registration is
available via the USA Shooting web site at

The 3 Position Air Rifle event will be offered at the following times:

19 November, Friday
3PAR Relay 1 1700 – 2000

20 November, Saturday
3PAR Relay 2 0800 – 1100
3PAR Relay 3 1200 – 1500
26 November, Friday
3PAR Relay 4 1700 – 2000

27 November, Saturday
3PAR Relay 5 1300 – 1600
3PAR Relay 6 1700 – 2000

There must be a minimum of five Competitors in a category to receive award.

There are several different age groups for young Athletes (based on athlete age as of Dec.31, 2010).
 Junior (J) – ages 20 years or younger; competitors born from 1990 or later
 Open (O) – ages 21 or over; competitors born from 1989 or earlier
 Disabled (D) – as preclassified by NRA

 2010 OMI 3 Position Air Rifle Champion
(not eligible for Overall Individual per Group award)

 Each of the Three Positions and Finals Per Group (J, O, D) precision and sporter
 Team (4x3x20) Per Group (J, O, D) precision and sporter
 Overall Individual Per Group (J, O, D) precision and sporter

 Each of the Three Positions and Finals Per Group (J, O, D) precision and sporter
 Team (4x3x20) Per Group (J, O, D) precision and sporter

 Each of the Three Positions and Finals Per Group (J, O, D) precision and sporter
 Team (4x3x20) Per Group (J, O, D) precision and sporter

• Team will be classified by the highest (J, O) level competitor represented.

Open International Standing Match (SAR)
This is a 10 meter, 60 shot / 1 hour 45 minute air rifle event for men and women with finals. This event offers Sporter as well as Precision Competition with awards for Individual Sporter, Individual Precision, Team Sporter, and Team Precision. This event will be offered at the following times.

19 November, Friday
SAR Relay 1 1700 – 2000

20 November, Saturday
SAR Relay 2 1600 – 1900

26 November, Friday
SAR Relay 3 1700 – 2000

27 November, Saturday
SAR Relay 4 1300 – 1600
SAR Relay 5 1700 – 2000

• Eligibility-This match is open to individuals (Open as well as Juniors), collegiate, and club shooting teams.
• Conduct of Match-All Athletes will compete as individuals (no coaching on the line). USA Shooting
• Course of Fire -Sixty shots standing air rifle for men and women in (3 x 35 minute blocks / 1.75 min per
shot) plus sighters at the beginning of each 20 shot group. Preparation time starts 10 minutes before
the scheduled match time. After the targets from the third set of 20 shots are collected, a 5-minute
changeover period starts to prepare for the Finals, then the 3-minute Finals preparation period. All
competitors will shoot the Finals. Finals scores will be added to determine ranking.

• Team Match-Team scores are determined by a 4-member paper team. Mixed category teams
(precision/sporter) will compete as precision teams. All team members must be declared at
the time of registration at the range. All team members do not have to shoot on the same
relay as long as all team members are named at registration and prior to the first team
member firing.

• Entry Fees- $20 per individual Athlete and $20 per 4-member team. All team members also compete as
individuals. All competitors should be USA Shooting members. Membership is available via the
USA Shooting web site at

AWARDS: There must be a minimum of five Competitors in a category to receive award.

There are several different age groups for young Athletes (based on athlete age as of Dec.31, 2010).
 Junior (J) – ages 20 years or younger; competitors born from 1990 or later
 Open (O) – ages 21 or over; competitors born from 1989 or earlier
 Disabled (D) – as preclassified by NRA
 2010 OMI Standing Air Rifle Champion
(not eligible for Overall Group/Category award)
 Individual 60 shots and Finals Per Group (J, O, D) precision and sporter
 Team (Three Members) Per Group (J, O, D) precision and sporter
 Overall 60 shots plus Finals Per Group (J, O, D) precision and sporter
 Individual 60 shots and Finals Per Group (J, O, D) precision and sporter
 Team (Three Members) Per Group (J, O, D) precision and sporter
 Individual 60 shots and Finals Per Group (J, O, D) precision and sporter
 Team (Three Members) Per Group (J, O, D) precision and sporter
• Team will be classified by the highest (J, O) level competitor represented.
3P Smallbore Match (3PSB)

This 50-foot, 3X20 match (1 hr 35 minute) with finals will be fired on the 9 position Smallbore range. The 3x20 scores plus Finals will be used to determine winners in individual and team competition. Spot checks of equipment may be conducted by Match Officials as needed. This Smallbore event with Finals will be at the following times.

19 November, Friday
3PSB Relay 1 1700 – 2000

20 November, Saturday
3PSB Relay 2 1200 – 1500

26 November, Friday
3PSB Relay 3 1700 – 2000

27 November, Saturday
3PSB Relay 4 1300 - 1600

• Conduct of Match- All Athletes will compete as individuals (no coaching on the line). USA
Shooting rules shall apply.

Match 1 – Prone 1.25 min. per shot
Match 2 – Standing 2 min. per shot
Match 3 – Kneeling 1 ½ min. per shot

Match 4 – Finals 1 min 15 sec per shot
Match 5 – Aggregate of Matches 1 - 4

• Course of Fire-3X20 USA Shooting Rules. 20 shots in each position of prone (25 minutes), standing (40
minutes) and kneeling (30 minutes). After the kneeling position is completed and the targets are
collected, a 5-minute changeover period starts to prepare for the Finals, then the 3-minute
Finals preparation period. All competitors will shoot the Finals. Finals scores will be added to
full 3x20 qualification total. Match will follow USA Shooting rules.
• Eligibility-This match is open to individuals (Open as well as Juniors) collegiate and club
shooting teams. Entry is limited to 9 Athletes on each relay.
• Team Match- Team scores are determined by a 4-member paper team. All team members must be
declared at the time of registration at the range. All team members do not have to shoot on the same
relay as long as all team members are named at registration and prior to the first team member firing.
• Entry Fees- $20 per individual Athlete and $20 per 4-member team. All team members also compete as
individuals. All competitors should be USA Shooting members. Membership is available via the
USA Shooting web site at

AWARDS: There must be a minimum of five Competitors in a category to receive award.
There are several different age groups for young Athletes (based on athlete age as of Dec.31, 2010).
 Junior (J) – ages 20 years or younger; competitors born from 1990 or later
 Open (O) – ages 21 or over; competitors born from 1989 or earlier
 Disabled (D) – as preclassified by NRA

 2010 OMI 3 Position Smallbore Rifle Champion
(not eligible for Overall Individual Group award)
 Each of the Three Positions plus Finals Per Group (J, O, D)
 Team (Four Members) Per Group (J, O, D)
 Overall Individual Per Group (J, O, D)
 Each of the Three Positions plus Finals Per Group (J, O, D)
 Team (Four Members) Per Group (J, O, D)
 Each of the Three Positions plus Finals Per Group (J, O, D)
 Team (Four Members) Per Group (J, O, D)

• Team will be classified by the highest (J, O) level competitor represented.
Smallbore Prone Match (SBP)

This 50-foot, 60 shot prone match (1 hr, in three 20 min segments / 1 Min per Shot) match will be fired on the 11 position Smallbore range. The 60 shot score will determine winners in individual and team competition. Spot checks of equipment may be conducted by Match Officials as needed. This Smallbore event will be at the following times.

19 November, Friday
SBP Relay 1 1700 – 2000

20 November, Saturday
SBP Relay 2 1600 – 1900

26 November, Friday
SBP Relay 3 1700 – 2000

27 November, Saturday
SBP Relay 4 1700 - 2000

• Conduct of Match-All Athletes will compete as individuals (no coaching on the line). USA
Shooting rules shall apply.

• Course of Fire- 60 shot prone match (1 hr, in three 20 min segments / 1 Min per Shot)

• Eligibility-This match is open to individuals (Open as well as Juniors), collegiate, and club shooting teams. Entry is limited to 9 Athletes on each relay.

• Team Match-Team scores are determined by a 4-member paper team. All team members must be
declared at the time of registration at the range. All team members do not have to shoot on
the same relay as long as all team members are named at registration and prior to the first
team member firing.

• Entry Fees- $20 per individual Athlete and $20 per 4-member team. All team members also
compete as individuals. All competitors should be USA Shooting members. Membership is
available via the USA Shooting web site at

AWARDS: There must be a minimum of five Competitors in a category to receive award.

There are several different age groups for young Athletes (based on athlete age as of Dec.31, 2010).
 Junior (J) – ages 20 years or younger; competitors born from 1990 or later
 Open (O) – ages 21 or over; competitors born from 1989 or earlier
 Disabled (D) – as preclassified by NRA

 2010 OMI Smallbore Prone Champion
(not eligible for Overall Individual Group award)
 Individual 60 shots Per Group (J, O, D)
 Team (Three Members) Per Group (J, O, D)
 Individual 60 shots Per Group (J, O, D)
 Team (Three Members) Per Group (J, O, D)
 Individual 60 shots Per Group (J, O, D)
 Team (Three Members) Per Group (J, O, D)
• Team will be classified by the highest (J, O) level competitor represented.

Rimfire Sporter – Modified (RFS)
This 50-foot, 3 X 20 match (1 hr.) with finals will be fired on the 9 position Smallbore range. Spot checks of equipment may be conducted by Match Officials as needed. This Smallbore event with Finals will be at the following times.

20 November, Saturday
RFS Relay 1 0800 – 1100

27 November, Saturday
RFS Relay 2 0800 – 1100

• Conduct of Match- All Athletes will compete as individuals (no coaching on the line). Modified CMP rules will apply.

• Equipment- Per CMP Guide To Rimfire Sporter Shooting

• Targets- Prone & Sitting or Kneeling- CMP RF 50A; Standing- CMP RF 50B
• Course of Fire-3X20 Modified CMP. 20 shots in each position of prone (20 minutes), standing (20
minutes) and kneeling (20 minutes). After the kneeling position is completed and the targets are
collected, a 5-minute changeover period starts to prepare for the Finals, then the 3-minute
Finals preparation period. All competitors will shoot the Finals. Finals scores will be added to
full 3x20 qualification total.

• Eligibility-This match is open to individuals (Open as well as Juniors) collegiate and club
shooting teams. Entry is limited to 9 Athletes on each relay.
• Team Match- Team scores are determined by a 4-member paper team. All team members must be
declared at the time of registration at the range. All team members do not have to shoot on the same
relay as long as all team members are named at registration and prior to the first team member firing.
• Entry Fees- $20 per individual Athlete and $20 per 4-member team. All team members also compete as
individuals. All competitors should be USA Shooting members. Membership is available via the
USA Shooting web site at

AWARDS: There must be a minimum of five Competitors in a category to receive award.

There are several different age groups for young Athletes (based on athlete age as of Dec.31, 2010).
 Junior (J) – ages 20 years or younger; competitors born from 1990 or later
 Open (O) – ages 21 or over; competitors born from 1989 or earlier
 Disabled (D) – as preclassified by NRA
There are two classes of competition:
 O-Class: Open sighted rifles
 T-Class: Telescopic (6x Max) or Aperture sights

 2010 OMI Rimfire Sporter Rifle Champion
(not eligible for Overall Individual Group award)
 Each of the Three Positions plus Finals Per Group (J, O, D) & Class (O,T)
 Team (Four Members) Per Group (J, O, D) & Class (O,T)
 Overall Individual Per Group (J, O, D) & Class (O,T)
 Each of the Three Positions plus Finals Per Group (J, O, D) & Class (O,T)
 Team (Four Members) Per Group (J, O, D) & Class (O,T)
 Each of the Three Positions plus Finals Per Group (J, O, D) & Class (O,T)
 Team (Four Members) Per Group (J, O, D) & Class (O,T)

• Team will be classified by the highest (J, O) level competitor represented.

Open Air Pistol Match (AP)
This 10 meter, 60 shot / 1 hour 45 minute Air Pistol event for men and women with Finals will be available at the following times.

19 November, Friday
PPP Relay 1 1700 – 2000

20 November, Saturday
PPP Relay 2 0800 – 1100

26 November, Friday
PPP Relay 3 1700 – 2000

27 November, Saturday
PPP Relay 4 1300 – 1600

Athletes will evaluate their own Finals shot value by looking through their own spotting scope, and then signaling the Match Director and Spectators, by a raised hand, if the shot value is 10. All Finals targets will be scored and values verified immediately following the completion of the individual Finals Relay event. The 60 shot scores plus Finals will be used to determine standings.

• Conduct of Match- All Athletes will compete as individuals (no coaching on the line). USA
Shooting rules shall apply.

• Course of Fire-Sixty shots plus sighters Air Pistol for men and women (1 hour 45 min block) This event will include Finals.

• Eligibility-This match is open to individuals (Open as well as Juniors) collegiate and club
shooting teams. Entry is limited to 6 Athletes on each relay.

• Team Match-Team scores are determined by a 3-member paper team. All team members must be declared at the time of registration at the range. All team members do not have to shoot on the same relay as long as all team members are named at registration and prior to the first team member firing.

• Entry Fees- $20 per individual Athlete and $20 per 3-member team. All team members also
compete as individuals. All competitors should be USA Shooting members. Membership is
available via the USA Shooting web site at

AWARDS: There must be a minimum of five Competitors in a category to receive award.

There are several different age groups for young Athletes (based on athlete age as of Dec.31, 2010).
 Junior (J) – ages 20 years or younger; competitors born from 1990 or later
 Open (O) – ages 21 or over; competitors born from 1989 or earlier
 Disabled (D) – as preclassified by NRA
 2010 OMI Air Pistol Champion (not eligible for Overall Individual Group award)
 Individual 60 shots qualification plus Finals Per Group (J, O, D)
 Team (Three Members) Per Group (J, O, D)
 Overall Individual Per Group (J, O, D)
 Individual 60 shots Per Group (J, O, D)
 Team (Three Members) Per Group (J, O, D)
 Individual 60 shots Per Group (J, O, D)
 Team (Three Members) Per Group (J, O, D)
• Team will be classified by the highest (J, O) level competitor represented.
Progressive Position Pistol (PPP)
This 10 meter, 40 shot Progressive Position Pistol event for males and females with Finals will be available at the following times.

19 November, Friday
PPP Relay 1 1700 – 2000

20 November, Saturday
PPP Relay 2 0800 – 1100

26 November, Friday
PPP Relay 3 1700 – 2000

27 November, Saturday
PPP Relay 4 1300 – 1600

• Conduct of Match- All Athletes will compete as individuals. USAS-NRA PPP rules shall apply.
Coaching: Coaching is allowed in all of the Supported Positions, however coaches may not assist in shooting the shot. Coaching assistance in the Unsupported-Positions on the firing line will cease when the preparation period begins.
• Course of Fire- 40 shots plus sighters. The match consists of a ten minute official preparation period and a seventy-five minute shooting period. NOTE: Fifteen minutes will be allocated for sighters and one and a half minutes will be allocated for each competition shot.
Single-Bull (B-40) Targets Hung Simultaneously: Targets will be hung vertically. Athletes will be allowed fifteen minutes to shoot unlimited sighting shots at the two sighting bulls and ten minutes to shoot ten record shot at the two competition targets. This set will be replaced with the second set of four competition bulls. Athletes will be allowed twenty minutes to shoot these targets. This set will be replaced with the third set of two competition bulls for Finals.
• Team Match-Team scores are determined by a 3-member paper team. All team members must be
declared at the time of registration at the range. All team members do not have to shoot on
the same relay as long as all team members are named at registration and prior to the first
team member firing.
• Categories of teams: Supported-Position Teams (SPT), Mixed-Position Teams (MPT),
Unsupported-Position Teams (UPT)
• Eligibility-This match is open to Junior individuals and club shooting teams. Entry is limited to 6 Athletes on each relay.
• Entry Fees- $20 per individual Athlete and $20 per 3-member team. All team members also
compete as individuals. All competitors should be USA Shooting members. Membership is available via the USA Shooting website at

AWARDS: There must be a minimum of five Competitors in a category to receive award.

 Basic Supported: BS
 Standing Supported: SS
 International (One-Handed) Standing: IS
 Individual 60 shots plus Finals Per Position Group (BS, SS, IS)
 Team (Three Members) Per Team Category (SPT, MPT, UPT)
 Overall Individual
 Individual 60 shots plus Finals Per Position Groups (BS, SS, IS)
 Team (Three Members) Per Team Category (SPT, MPT, UPT)
 Individual 60 shots plus Finals Per Position Groups (BS, SS, IS)
 Team (Three Members) Per Team Category (SPT, MPT, UPT)

• Team will be classified by the highest (BS, SS, IS) level competitor represented.

NOVEMBER 19th, 20th, 26th, 27th, 2010
The Ole Mill Range Complex, Griffin, GA 30223

DEADLINE: Friday, November 12, 2010 5:00pm
$20 per event per Athlete Fee /
additional $20 Team fee (per event and per team)
*****BB: $15 per Athlete Fee / additional $5 fee per BB Team*****

A late fee will be assessed for registrations received after 5:00pm,
November 12, 2010 including the day of event walk-ups.
$5 late fee for BB
$10 late fee for all other events

COACH NAME/SCHOOL NAME: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Coach Email: ____________________________________________________ Coach Phone #: ________________________________________


LAST NAME: _______________________________________ FIRST NAME: _________________________________________

DATE OF BIRTH: mm/dd/yyyy _________/_____________/_____________ MALE [ ] FEMALE [ ]

HOME ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

CITY: _________________________________________________ STATE: ____________________ ZIP: ___________________

EMAIL ADDRESS: ___________________________________________________________________________________________

(circle one for air rifle events) SPORTER PRECISION Total amount enclosed$_____________
Cash or check (#___________)




Please circle requested relays and events and submit with appropriate fees.
19-Nov 1700 - 2000 3PAR relay1 3PSB relay1 SAR relay1 SBP relay1 AP relay1 PPP relay1
20-Nov 0800 - 1100 3PAR relay2 RFS relay1 AP relay2 PPP relay2
20-Nov 1200 - 1500 3PAR relay3 3PSB relay2
20-Nov 1600 - 1900 SAR relay2 SBP relay2
26-Nov 1700 - 2000 3PAR relay4 3PSB relay3 SAR relay3 SBP relay3 AP relay3 PPP relay3
27-Nov 0800 - 0930 BB relay1
27-Nov 1000 - 1130 BB relay2
27-Nov 0800 - 1100 RFS relay2
27-Nov 1300 - 1600 3PAR relay5 3PSB relay4 SAR relay4 AP relay4 PPP relay4
27-Nov 1700 - 2000 3PAR relay6 SAR relay5 SBP relay4

Additional relays will be considered and added based on need and demand.
Please make requests and suggestions known in writing to any match official. Thank you for your support.

Ole Mill Invitational
2010 Team Declaration Form

All team members must be declared at the time of registration at the range.
All team members do not have to shoot on the same relay but all team members must
be named prior to any team member’s first shot down range.
No competitor may be a part of more than one team per event.
Team fees must be paid at OR before check-in


Organization (school or club) name:____________________________________

Event: (please indicate event in which team is competing)
[ ] BB- 5 member team/ top 4 scores count toward total Team fee: $5
[ ] 3PAR- 4 member team/ all scores count toward total Team fee: $20
[ ] SAR- 4 member team/ all scores count toward total Team fee: $20
[ ] 3PSB- 4 member team/ all scores count toward total Team fee: $20
[ ] SBP- 4 member team/ all scores count toward total Team fee: $20
[ ] RFS- 4 member team/ all scores count toward total Team fee: $20
[ ] AP- 3 member team/ all scores count toward total Team fee: $20
[ ] PPP- 3 member team/ all scores count toward total Team fee: $20

Team members:

Name (as listed on registration form) CMP # Relay
Date of birth for BB Competitors

____________________________________ _________¬¬_________ _________________

____________________________________ __________________ _________________

____________________________________ __________________ _________________

____________________________________ __________________ _________________

____________________________________ __________________ _________________

small bore matches

Posted: Sat Dec 11, 2010 6:22 am
by hp jager
has matches each month on the 3rid saturday. they are nra and cmp matches. there is also a 200 yard match. we just put in a new pad on range 1 for the matches. the pad is 192 feet long and 14 feet wide. real nice for any small bore match.
Rick Smith