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10M Air Rifles For Small bore Practice

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 7:57 am
by KAZ
I shoot rimfire 50 yard benchrest competition which is a game requiring experience reading the wind flags for every shot on the standard 25 bull target. Practice called for a trip to the range and 2 hours. I decided to see if an air rifle(which is OK in my yard) could be used for practice on my backyard 25 yard range. I acquired a nice FWB 300S and with a scope in place it has turned out to be perfect for this purpose. The trigger is as good as my Jewell trigger in my 40X rimfire rifle, and the scores have surprised me. They would be respectable in the 25 yard rimfire Postal Matches. So, I can shoot a card any time I have 20 minutes, and these rifles are so quite that noise is not a problem. Regards

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:50 am
by Jose Rossy
Are you seeing a correlation between the wind deflection of a 22 RF bullet at 50 yards and the deflection of a pellet at 25?

I do a similar thing, using a smallbore prone rifle at 50 - 100 yards to train for fullbore prone at 600 - 1000 yards.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 10:33 am
by KAZ
Fair question JR, I'm just now getting started and my wind has been 20-30 mph gust or dead calm with no in between. I put one flag near the target and will record to see a condition. Much better if it works than my Eley $1150 per case Match LOL, so I hope that it will apply. You are really stretching things out! I also shoot 308, and some of my pals do say that they practice and find a correlation between 308/22RF. I have high hopes! Regards, Jim

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 11:16 am
by Jose Rossy
KAZ wrote: You are really stretching things out!
LOL!! I didn't think I was.....Shooting a rimfire at 100 yards or a 308 at 1000 seems normal. Except to your basic bubba hunter who thinks you need a barrel melting supermagnum to shoot that far.......
KAZ wrote:I also shoot 308, and some of my pals do say that they practice and find a correlation between 308/22RF. I have high hopes! Regards, Jim
Shooting reduced size NRA 800, 900, and 1000 yard targets with a rimfire at 100 yds is a lot of fun. Tough.....

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 10:05 pm
by hank2222
we use a 10 meter air rifle for two games we played in Ca for use to pratice in a person backyard for they had the perfect 10 meter range in there backyard ..

one of the games was mini palma shooting with standard rifle and sights prone at 8 -9-10 meters to make up for the 1000 yard range of the big bore palma rifle shooting ..with a mat put down on the ground and small spotting scope on a tripod set up to checking the targets had to wear the shooting jacket on the line when shooting in the prone prostion ..

the second game was 10 meter brench rest with fixed power 4 power scope and a same rules as regular brenchrest rules .plus we change some of the basic gear rules to use a cheaper brand front rest and a rear bunny ear bag rear rest ..we use bsa 4-x-32 scopes for shooting with basic set of rings that could be mounted and taken off as it was need to
mount the regular sighting system on the rifle ..we just scored area with a mark to reattched the scope back to zero mark and test fire a fire shots to make sure it was on the zero..

then the standard 10 meter stand up air rifle shooting match with international rules ..

we pretty much shot year around in his backyard for he had a long wide over the back pouch cover that kept us out of the wind and rain and other weather problems ..his backyard had just enough wind to make it fun and not some much it was a problem ..he had his own air tank filling compressor unit set up and would charge you a $.1.oo to fill up the air cylinder on the rifle it worked out pretty good for all of us in the local group who came over to the house ..

we as a group would throw in some much money into the pot for targets along with a case lots of pellets and other target supplies items that we need ..then on sat matchs we throw so much into the kitty for drinks and pizza for lunch or subway for drinner i missed the place for it was a lot of fun times went down in the area..

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 6:13 am
by KAZ
Hank, sounds like you had some great times! We would all wish for a neighbor with a compressor LOL, I would for certain have to try some of the "Dark Side" pre charged. Regards

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 3:42 pm
by hank2222
Where i lived in the middle of Ca at there was not a lot of socalled air rifle shooters for iam basically 2.1/2.hours from the bay area and three and half hours from La area ..

so it was funny that the one person who i meet in the area was a 10 meter air rifle shooter ..for i had a German shooter company products t-shirt on one day in the grocery check out line and the guy was behind me and he made a comment about the t-shirt and i asked him what type of rifle did he shoot and he told and we started from there ..we started on a one sat a month and then it went to two sat a month and then it was every sat we go over and shoot at his place dureing the year .

i knew a guy and he knew a guy and pretty soon we had a little group of 5 people shooting at his back yard out in the area where he lived ....i ask him one day about getting a tank filled in the air and he walked out to the garage and open up the door and showed me he set up for he was tired of the dive shops give him a hassle when comeing into get his tank refilled ..