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California Ammo Crisis

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 8:58 pm
by WesternGrizzly
Hey does anybody else live in CA and have any idea what to do about ammo come January?


Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 9:50 pm
by david alaways
Buy alot in Dec. or drive to Reno in Jan.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 10:21 pm
by bebloomster
Hopefully you reload. I've enough primer, powder and scrap wheelweight to keep me in 38 Spl for the next 4 or 5 years. Rimfire could be a problem though. I order in a case of CCI SV whenever I find it in stock at a reasonable price.

With any luck that stupid law will be repealed before it takes effect.

Posted: Fri May 28, 2010 11:53 pm
by WesternGrizzly
Well i do reload but i was mainly talking about 22lr. We wont be able to test lots very easily or buy cases.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 12:18 am
by bebloomster
I've been having pretty good luck with When ever they have the paper pack CCI SV in stock I will order a case of it... generally every 2 or 3 months so far. I use a S&W Model 41 for bullseye pistol and it seems to prefer the CCI SV over the other options. Have a couple cases on hand now, hoping for at least 2 more cases by the end of the year. I roll my own for my S&W Model 52 so there isn't much problem there... so far.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 6:35 am
by Lilly
For those of us not in California, what is happening to cause a shortage? Some draconian unique ID legislation so each round can be tracked?

At this time, if one had the choice to live in any of the 50 states, it looks like Vermont is the best from a gun owners point of view? Open or concealed carry, no permit required. Just courteus people going about their lives.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:03 am
by Guest
I think the Brady campaign rates Louisiana and Oklahoma as the worst, so for gun owners it wold probably be the best. For CCW without a permit, theres either Vermont or Alaska.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 9:32 pm
by WesternGrizzly
AB 962 was passed in CA that limits the amount of "handgun" ammo you can buy and where you can buy it.

Handgun ammunition is defined in subdivision (a) of Section 12323.

All handgun ammo will have to behind the counter. Also when you buy ammo you must give: your name, your drivers license, your signiture, your adress, birthday, and right thumbprint.

This bill also bans all mail order ammunition. So no more calling up Champions choice and ordering 3 cases of that lot of Tenex that shoots so good.

Posted: Sat May 29, 2010 10:08 pm
by hank2222
i was wondering if going to be the same for air rifle pellets also ..that was something that a friend was saying to me in the phone call a couple of days ago ..

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 3:59 pm
by jhmartin
DUDES ......

You need to either:
A) Vote out your pols & start again, or
B) Move

Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:25 pm
by SRichieR
And while you are at the polls voting out those pols, please recall the ones sent from out there to Washington!


Posted: Sun May 30, 2010 10:57 pm
by Rover
Come to Arizona to buy your ammo and protest California's boycott support of illegals at the same time. We'll be glad to see you at our matches.

The California economy is in a shambles and they want to inflict the same thing on Arizona with their moronic socialist BS.

Boy, I feel better now!

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 7:33 am
by Bill32
So there's no prohibition in driving over the border, filling up with enough for years of shooting, then drive on back?

Can it be any states drivers license? Can foreigners buy by showing a passport?

Yup this new law is sure to make Californians safer. I guess the climate is probably the only reason to stay.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 9:04 am
by Rover
You just walk into a store or gun show, pay your money, and walk out with yours arms full. As it should be. You don't need no stinkin' papers.

We have an FFL holder who comes to our matches with huge supplies to sell to competitors. Of course, his stuff is competition oriented.


Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 9:16 am
by Quest1
Rover wrote:Come to Arizona to buy your ammo and protest California's boycott support of illegals at the same time. We'll be glad to see you at our matches.

The California economy is in a shambles and they want to inflict the same thing on Arizona with their moronic socialist BS.

Boy, I feel better now!
I would suggest moving, but we in the other western states have seen the negative impact of all the people leaving California even hear in Idaho. We have Californians moving in and literally telling us at our town meeting about how we should change things like it is California and you then ask them why they left and they will tell you complain about the high taxes, congestion, and taxes. It is quite plain that the California Government has successfully taught to many people in that state believe in the slogan that "I am the government and I am hear to help you". The state refuses to stop spending money on their socialist projects, so it will only get worse and unless people stop voting for socialist then it won't get better.

The small businesses that have moved hear from California one of the few Californians who understands what California has become and don't want to see it repeated. I see that the only solution coming out of Sacramento is to raise taxes and to tell Washington they deserve a bailout that will make bailing out GM look like bailing out a lemon aid stand. California has manage to raise debt levels so high that they are rivaling or exceeding the debt in Greece, Spain, and etc.

The unfortunate part is nothing is going to get better in California they will continue pass useless regulations, raise taxes, and get Uncle Sam to turn on the printing press to bail them out and to get the tax payers of this country to pay for their socialist programs. Change will only come about when the people have had enough and stop voting for more government. The other unfortunate part is that this change will probably never happen until the current socialist policies drag the economic well being of the state and probably the rest of the nation into the dirt and as the people realize or are taught that there is no free lunch.

When this country was growing up and expanding the people depended on their neighbors and each other. They didn't expect the government to come bail them out. For many generations people in this country prided themselves on their independence and looked at handouts by the governments with disdain. However, the government has rivaled the drug dealers in getting people addicted. In this case, instead of drugs they were handing out money. This affliction is not just in the US, but in Europe and governments in many other countries have convinced people that the government is the solution to everything. Why else would they come-up with laws restricting gun ownership, which falls back to the slogan above " I am the government and I am hear to protect you".

Re: Move

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 10:49 pm
by hank2222
Quest1 wrote:
Rover wrote:Come to Arizona to buy your ammo and protest California's boycott support of illegals at the same time. We'll be glad to see you at our matches.

The California economy is in a shambles and they want to inflict the same thing on Arizona with their moronic socialist BS.

Boy, I feel better now!
I would suggest moving, but we in the other western states have seen the negative impact of all the people leaving California even hear in Idaho. We have Californians moving in and literally telling us at our town meeting about how we should change things like it is California and you then ask them why they left and they will tell you complain about the high taxes, congestion, and taxes. It is quite plain that the California Government has successfully taught to many people in that state believe in the slogan that "I am the government and I am hear to help you". The state refuses to stop spending money on their socialist projects, so it will only get worse and unless people stop voting for socialist then it won't get better.

The small businesses that have moved hear from California one of the few Californians who understands what California has become and don't want to see it repeated. I see that the only solution coming out of Sacramento is to raise taxes and to tell Washington they deserve a bailout that will make bailing out GM look like bailing out a lemon aid stand. California has manage to raise debt levels so high that they are rivaling or exceeding the debt in Greece, Spain, and etc.

The unfortunate part is nothing is going to get better in California they will continue pass useless regulations, raise taxes, and get Uncle Sam to turn on the printing press to bail them out and to get the tax payers of this country to pay for their socialist programs. Change will only come about when the people have had enough and stop voting for more government. The other unfortunate part is that this change will probably never happen until the current socialist policies drag the economic well being of the state and probably the rest of the nation into the dirt and as the people realize or are taught that there is no free lunch.

When this country was growing up and expanding the people depended on their neighbors and each other. They didn't expect the government to come bail them out. For many generations people in this country prided themselves on their independence and looked at handouts by the governments with disdain. However, the government has rivaled the drug dealers in getting people addicted. In this case, instead of drugs they were handing out money. This affliction is not just in the US, but in Europe and governments in many other countries have convinced people that the government is the solution to everything. Why else would they come-up with laws restricting gun ownership, which falls back to the slogan above " I am the government and I am hear to protect you".
sir you have hit on the head work is takeing me back to the state of ca and i really do not want to go but work is work ..this trip iam takeing my air rifle and my subnose revovler along with 100 rds of ammo for personal protection ..

i lived and worked out there for three years and found that most places where really anti gun and anti not in lock step with the local people thinking you where going to have trouble in your life..

we once had a local police officer come to my friend house and tell him we could not shoot anymore in the back yard.when my friend pointed out to the police officer that your town ends right here and the country begins right there so you have no rights beyond this point inless your chaseing a bad guy down the road that leads out of the town ....

my friend wife is a sheriff and told the local officer i do not care what you say this is the country and tell miss---what---- name to stop calling you for you jurisdication end right here and she walked over and showed him on the other side of the street .. mainly it was because of us parking on the street and takeing up more spaces on the county side ..for she would have her friend park there a lot inside of the her side of the road .... have no rights beyond this point basically took the a sheriff calling the city to explain to the officer where his city line begin and the country line ended for him for him to understand that if you in the country and there is a problem call the sheriff dept not local police dept ..for our little town was set up with the outer ring of house all fell into the county and you called the county for fire or sheriff dept if you had need ..

the biggest problem i found out in ca area for shooting sports it the drive to find a range or a place to shoot a handgun or shotgun sports.. up in the northern part of ca not that bad but in the southern area is like finding ice cream stand in death valley ..

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 11:15 pm
by Rover
100 rounds of ammo?

I guess you'll be near the border.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 12:14 am
by hENRY1
no .iam just packed a mtm 100rd box filled with ammo along with a couple of speedloaders along with a surefire personal flashlight and sc1 carrier and a cleaning kit and put it all togerther in a hardshell carrying case to go into the suitcase for travel ..

i basically takeing the revolver for it the only so called legal ca weapon i own ..for my 1911 is illegal for is not bult by a know pistol company and it has a thread barrel and other features that puts it into the socalled assult weapons section out there which is stupid but it the law and it can be taken away from me and not given back to me way chance it take a handgun that is legal in the state ...

i basically takeing my air rifle case with it access case along with a suitcase and garment bag and laptop bag and couple of rubbermaid totes filled with house hold items for rented room i going to rent form a friend that has a over the garage apt that his kid is leaveing to go away for the school he going to rent it to me ..iall i have to do is bring sheets and blankets and a few small household items and iam set up in the place..l

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 5:29 pm
by Hemmers
There's usually a way around everything.
WesternGrizzly wrote:All handgun ammo will have to behind the counter. Also when you buy ammo you must give: your name, your drivers license, your signiture, your adress, birthday, and right thumbprint.
Does this have to be filled in on a computer or filled in on a standard form - or indeed just a letter.
If it's a standard form, go and get a copy, fill it out and just photocopy a stack. Indeed if your on good terms with your local dealer, can (s)he not just keep copies of the forms in a folder for "regulars"? Every time you drop by, they whip it out, run off a copy and fill in the date.
This bill also bans all mail order ammunition. So no more calling up Champions choice and ordering 3 cases of that lot of Tenex that shoots so good.
I'll be the first to admit it's not ideal, but surely your dealer can order in a stack on your behalf, and you just go and draw it out at the maximum allowable limit?
Depends how local your local dealer is (as to whether that's going to be a PITA to do an ammo run, or whether you pass by every day anyway), and whether he has the armoury space to stow lots of ammo with people's name on it, but that's the kind of service that gets you customer loyalty and return business.
Or can clubs run that service and store surplus ammo that members can't keep at home? Pretty common in the UK and works well.

They should be doing this to shove two fingers at local government and show them you're not going away.
WesternGrizzly wrote:AB 962 was passed in CA that limits the amount of "handgun" ammo you can buy and where you can buy it.

Handgun ammunition is defined in subdivision (a) of Section 12323.
I'm amazed .22lr comes up as pistol ammo. The long rifle designation is still relevant today. It's was designed for and is heavily used in rifles - or is it specific .22lr that is restricted - like Tenex Pistol that's loaded specifically for shorts?

Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2010 9:00 pm
by Philadelphia
Hemmers wrote:There's usually a way around everything.
Over here a lot of us still bristle at the idea of having to "get around" stupid things our gov't does. If too many just "get around" more restrictions instead of bristling, and next thing you know . . . .

My advice is exactly the opposite. Never give up on finding a way make the pols that enacted the whole stupid scheme find new jobs for themselves. Better yet, move to a free state and leave the place to implode under the weight of its own utopian pie in the sky policies.