the weekend shooter that what iam and i love it ..

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the weekend shooter that what iam and i love it ..

Post by hank2222 »

here some thing i notice here the last couple of years of just shooting on the weekends for i notice something by just sitting and watching people in the sport and around the sport when we talk about the air rifles and gear and the trying to pass it on ..

1-iam happy just to shoot and have a little peace and quiet time for not haveing the cell phone on and not haveing to deal with the little life problems at the moment ..for i know iam a good shot and can keep them in the black iam ok with the fact i will never be the tiger woods of the shooting worlds and to me it fun and it like a way to keep myself in shape for marksmanship pratice..and great pratice for hunting knowing that i can put meat on the table when need be with a rifle ..

2-i have good gear and a good air rifle that i will know that will out shoot me but it allways get me when a person does the one thing blames there gear i said in the pants post i got the jacket and the glove for i really do only two typles of shooting standing and prone a couple of made up games my friends and i play for fun to break up the madness at times ..

3-it about friendships that you make and the time you enjoy with each other shooting in a great sport .after we are done shooting my friends and i go and get a bite to eat and sit back and relax and talk about the match we just shot or new things comeing onto the market or just shoot the breeze

4-the very last for us married men it a great way to get out of the house and not have to get into trouble with the wife for when the wife ask you where did you do tonight after work ..for a group of us meets on weds night to shoot and have a couple of matchs after work then head home to the wife and kid and have her not worrying about what you are doing ..

Post by Koku »

Having been a member of a club that sold alcohol for consumption after you've finished shooting for the day, reminds me of the excuses list we had by the phone. Ranging from "he just left" to a range of far greater whoppers.

I'm with you, it's the friends you make and the social experience that makes shooting so much fun. I'll take a club full of good people and a barebones range over a pristine world class range and a bunch of p****s.
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Joined: Thu May 10, 2007 7:34 pm
Location: ca

Post by hank2222 »

what started the comment was one of the kids who in the group who shoots with the team made the remark about there dad and me when we where comeing up to the line to shoot ..

on sat afternoon and night we do a pizza and shooting games night when i at home on the farm to give the kids a break from just praticeing we have a game call the color game a target with diff color on it and we shoot the color when the color is called one shot per color 10 colors to a blank piece of paper..the target is make with a set of diff bingo markers pens and we do it for fun .sometime the person calling the target colors are pretty good at keep the speed of calljng out the color and other times they make you wait for it ...

so as we where haveing the pizza one of the kids where saying this to his dad who right next to me that all old men on the line are the weekend warriors of the group and this is our idea of fun so we will not get into trouble with our wifes. his dad reminded him that he getting married here in the summer time and we told him he will be joining the old men on the weeknight shoots to keep him out of trouble with the wife ..that when is wife to be said that a great idea ..that mean you have to buy me my own air rifle so i can with you to weeknight matchs she sat there smileing at him ..i really should not cal the young man a kid for he 22 years old and just got out of the army and he going to school to be a law enforcement area and i think the future wife statement made him think about calling us a bunch of weekend warriors types for she told him that it a great way for them to spend time togerther when he not in school or at work ..

we run a no drinking type of shoot where when we get togerther ..most of us do not drink anyway so it just easlyer that way and the one who do drink does not do when they are with us some of the wifes comes along on the weeknight matchs that we have a long with them beening a air rifle person themself so they get into the match also ..
fast shooter
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Joined: Sun Jan 11, 2009 6:42 pm
Location: Warren, Rhode Island

Post by fast shooter »

I love my pistol leauge night:
catch up with teammates and friends, shoot the best I can, stop on the way home for conversation over pizza and a beer, go home to a warm bed and a loving wife. that's the life!
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