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Classic Articles _

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:03 pm
by wolfpengap
I know a lot of times us Newbies ask the same old tired questions and that many times the answers is somewhere in the list of articles. I just read an interesting debate back from 2005. The primary experts being Steve and ED. In the article there was reference to another article but no address.

I would like to suggest that we collect the best of the best(hate that phrase) and some how keep a reference to them at the top of each forum.

Maybe we could get Pilk to post it .


Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2010 2:26 pm
by Ed Hall
That would be awfully subjective, wouldn't it?

What reference were you looking for? I have a couple ways I can retrieve my posts:

Some Ed Hall Posts to Target Talk, which lists my posts prior to registering.

And, Author search for Ed Hall, which lists those posts after I registered.

I've also posted a manner to use google to help find things on the site by using the option, such as:

"steve swartz"

Since most of Steve's posts are while he isn't registered you can't search for his material by author, effectively. The above example will do a good job of finding them, although it will also turn up a few extra.

Take Care,
Ed Hall
Air Force Shooting Homepage
Bullseye (and International) Competition Things

Classic Articles _Process to include

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 11:18 am
by wolfpengap
Sorry for being slow to respond. I am thinking about how to implement this idea as well as overcoming Valentine duties. One possible idea is

1) Determine what topics to include(e.g, Shot Process, Training methods)
2) have a process to submit threads for inclusion
3) some type of peer review.

For example, i came across a posting from Aug 8 of 2005, by sdesrocher titled ' Questions about the shot process'. I found it very helpful and caused me to reflect. Both you and Steve Swartz were in the debate.

In the article reference above I found another article referenced by dlinden aka Tn aka(not repeatable of fear of being banned from forum), that discuss conceptual training issues(Ed Hall, Steve Swartz, Rob Stubbs as the main authors. I was never ever able to find it. - my loss.

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2010 10:56 pm
by Ed Hall
Although this doesn't address your real subject, I believe dlinden was speaking in generalities about some recent (at the time) topics. Might I suggest using my list of topics on my page to find the "Questions about the shot process" link (It's pretty far down) and then review the topics that are further down from there. They are older and may be some of the messages dlinden was referring to.

You can also do a search for things like "shot process" or "training methods" with the "Search for all terms" option checked.

As to a "special section," I think it would entail an awful lot of extra work to set up some kind of flag and peer review, but I'm not against such an endeavour. That's kind of why I set up my topics lists - so I can review what I've written over the years.

Take Care,
Ed Hall
US Air Force Competitive Shooting
Bullseye (and International) Competition Things