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New NRA rules

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:13 pm
by Telecomtodd
New NRA smallbore rules:

New NRA precision air rifle position rules: ... fle_10.pdf

New NRA International Rifle (includes air): ... fle_10.pdf

I haven't fully reviewed all of the rule changes, but some are thought-provoking, please review and comment!

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 2:25 pm
by Telecomtodd
OOps, missed one:

New rules for sport air rifle: ... fle_10.pdf

Posted: Tue Jan 12, 2010 5:37 pm
by jhmartin
Can you give a quick review .... I'm in the process of looking at proposed 4-H nationals rules .... this could get "fun"

New NRA Rules

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 11:54 am
by Bill Morgan
I did a quick scan of the rules and most were the addition of electronic scoring/challenge/protest procedures. One, of note, was the smallbore rule concerning the USA-50 target where "centershots will not be scored". The USAS rules for scoring are included in the "International" rules and do provide for scoring inner tens. I have emailed HQ up at NRA asking for a clarification of this. Are we going to go back to the last shot/target etc. for breaking ties on the USA-50 or what? When I receive his reply I will post it here.I just hope it doesn't reflect the current shortage of suppliers for scoring plugs. All the machinists (1?) at Earnest will be working lots of overtime.

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 1:05 pm
by jhmartin
Like I said, I'm lucky ... I got mine fron NealJ's a few years ago.
Next time you see Dave you may ask him if there are any in the "inventory" that he has piled in his garage...
I won't be up there again until end of Feb

While the kids like to shoot at that target .... it has more contrast, it's a bugger to score w/o plugs

Maybe I'm just too used to the A-36's

NRA Rifle (Smallbore) Rule Changes

Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2010 1:02 pm
by Bill Morgan
I just spoke with H.Q. Moody, Rifle Mgr. at NRA about the rule changes for smallbore specifically. There will be a reprint of the rules coming out shortly with numerous changes and cleaning up of areas of confusion. The specific change for not scoring center shots (x's) on the USA-50 target was to primarily make it easier for the local folks. Tie breaking will go back to the previous method as described in the rules. Standing, last bull etc.
While I never felt scoring inner tens was particularly difficult, I thought it provided a more accurate way of breaking ties than just starting at the back and working your way forward. But then, that's just me.