Boycotting Army Junior National Championship

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Boycotting Army Junior National Championship

Post by barry.brewer »

Our club teams are boycotting the Army Open National Championship.

In 2008 the rules to determine which teams received invitations to participate in the national championship were not followed and resulted in a team ranked 44th being invited over much more qualified teams. Both the Army recruiting command and the CMP were asked for an explanation and the Army response was who are you and why do you want to know. The CMP representitive responded with a statement that the rules were followed which was an obvious lie and would not respond any further.

This was a great match when it was run by the National Guard, unfortunately, it is now run under rules that emphasize criteria other than merit and integrity.

Been Doing That

Post by Guest »

We've not shot this event since the Army and CMP took over

We are a small club that has been to numerous "National" events that CMP has held, and have NEVER received a travel reimbursement ... even when receipts have been turned in. We have turned down invites to the Army match as local JROTC teams were offered funding to attend and we were told "maybe"

CMP is not geared for clubs anymore, but is really pushing JROTC teams
(see for example the new scholarships for HS seniors)

Makes you all warm and fuzzy that CMP is now taking total control of the 3-P JO's and the invitation process, don't it?
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Re: Been Doing That

Post by mikeschroeder »

Anonymous wrote:...
CMP is not geared for clubs anymore, but is really pushing JROTC teams
(see for example the new scholarships for HS seniors)

Makes you all warm and fuzzy that CMP is now taking total control of the 3-P JO's and the invitation process, don't it?

If you break this down it SEEMS like you're suggesting that from now on, the Junior Olympics will be picked from teams associated with ROTC and no others. This would eventually make the US Olympic teams like the old Soviet teams, where everyone on the teams is "professional athelete" becasue they're paid by the Soviet Army (or other governmental entity).

Given that the Congress moved the CMP out of the DOD years ago, this seems unlikely to me.

On the other hand, most schools (high and college) are slowly getting rid of shooting teams, so ROTC seems like the only group growing.

Who know?

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Post by jhmartin »

3-P Air is the game the CMP invented/promoted ... whatever you want to call it. There was a time when NRA, CMP, & USAS said they would play nice to one another ... hmmmmmmm.

It's a shame that the NRA could never come to grips with being a "part" in the 3-P Air Rifle Council. Now when we shoot matches we have to be careful which rules & whose targets we use lest the kids get disqualified.

... so many "why can't we get along songs" come to mind.

USA Shooting has financial difficulties to the point they cannot take on anything other than "pure" Olympic events, so they've turned over the 3-P JO's to the CMP totally now, a few years ago they quit hosting it, so it's probably a good thing now that all agree it's a CMP deal.

I sorta expect the same thing to happen to PPP .... but I'm not sure how CMP feels about that program (I just don't know ... I'm a rifle coach)

While it is true that the JROTC programs are probably the "font" of the majority of junior shooters here in the USA, I know the MCJROTC programs are shooting the smallbore programs in the foot ... smallbore is strictly forbidden to these folks and I'd sure like someone in the upper floors of that program realize how much they are making our shooters one-dimensional.

I think it's OK for the NJROTC programs to work with smallbore programs, but I don't know about Army or the "new" AFJROTC programs.
Anybody know there?
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Why would anyone shoot this match?

Post by born4hunt »

We have over 100 junior competitors in our local area along with over 1000 state wide. Most all of our Local matches host 75 to 100 entries each. We are also in California. These teams are very good shooters and have won many titles to include over 30 national records in the past few years.

With that stated, we thought we would try the Army National Championship postal a few years ago and ended up being 7th and 8th in the qualifier. However when I called to get details, I was told that they dont take the top 8 qualifiers. They take a couple of the top and a lot of the bottom. I scratched my head and asked why.. They told me that is the way it is and promptly ended the conversation.

HMMM.. A national championship that doesnt allow the top teams to shoot? That I found to be perplexing at best. The Army National Junior 3P championship is a joke and run by staff that have no clue how to produce top level competitive shooters. Awarding juniors based on poor performance and penalizing top performers is not what this sport needs. We have since boycotted this event and will not even think about participating again. It was a great lesson learned and a few bucks thrown way to boot.

I am disgusted by the entire program they are trying to sell and will stick to USAS as well as NRA matches where the top teams and athletes are rewarded based on performance and not lack there of.

I no longer wonder why our Junior Grizzly team from California beat Army at the Nationals this year. We reward performance not mediocrity.
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Post by hank2222 »

it seams like they like to change the rules of the game in the middle of the game to make it better for them ..that sad for i allways thought it was to be the best who got into the top 20 and they battled it out in a one big shootout to take home the prize ..
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