Visier Review Styer LP10E

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Visier Review Styer LP10E

Post by Naimed1983 »

I see on the website a the german magazine 'Visier' that they did a review on the Steyr LP10e.
Can somebody give the details on the outcome of this review or scan the article for me?

Kind regards,

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Post by hiermax »

Hi, I try to summarize the outcome of the VISIER-test:
In principle the lp10e is the same gun as the lp10 except the trigger-unit. This unit is partly located inside the grip and partly in that part of the gun where the trigger system is placed (sorry I don´t know the english word for this part of the gun - maybe "system-housing"). The electronic system is activated by shifting a little slide on the lefthand side of the grip. A signal light and a beep inform you whether the system is ready or not. The system is powered by 2 x 1,5 voltage batteries (AAA) - and the power should last for at least 25.000 shots.
A further difference to the mechanical lp10 is the trigger-stop. The lp10e does not have any trigger-stop-function. The test revealed that this is not a problem and that it is not necessary to have one on this gun. You get used of it quickly. And the measured trigger-forces (sorry for the wording) of some shots showed an absolut equal line of trigger-force up to the moment where the shot breakes. This is the big deal of the lp10e. The electronic system provides unbelieveable equality from shot to shot.
Finally the lp10e reached 99 points (out of 100). The mechanical lp10 reached 99 points, too. So it´s up to the shooter whether he is willing to pay additional 350,- euros or not. But nevertheless the lp10e is an outstanding gun and you get a lot of technical stuff for the invested money. If I would consider to buy a new airpistol, I would reach for the lp10e. But I own a mechanical one (8 months old) - so I do not see any need for a change ;-)
Now it´s up to you...
Best regards
PS: Sorry for my wording; I´m no native speaker
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LP-10E Review

Post by Tolkach »

Danke, Max! Sehr gut geschrieben.

Very understandable. A few readers may not realize that in much of Europe, the decimal is used instead of a comma for separating numbers -- so 25.000 = twenty-five thousand.

Thank you again.
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Post by hiermax »

Thank´s for the clarification of the distinction between dot and comma. I´m used to think in the old european style ;-)
Besides, why do you speak (write) german so well?
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Post by LukeP »

Thanks Max, very nice!
Merry Christmas,
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Post by Naimed1983 »

Thank you very much! Very nice translation!

Post by Pluto »

hiermax wrote:Hi, I try to summarize the outcome of the VISIER-test:
In principle the lp10e is the same gun as the lp10 except the trigger-unit. This unit is partly located inside the grip and partly in that part of the gun where the trigger system is placed (sorry I don´t know the english word for this part of the gun - maybe "system-housing"). The electronic system is activated by shifting a little slide on the lefthand side of the grip. A signal light and a beep inform you whether the system is ready or not. The system is powered by 2 x 1,5 voltage batteries (AAA) - and the power should last for at least 25.000 shots.
A further difference to the mechanical lp10 is the trigger-stop. The lp10e does not have any trigger-stop-function. The test revealed that this is not a problem and that it is not necessary to have one on this gun. You get used of it quickly. And the measured trigger-forces (sorry for the wording) of some shots showed an absolut equal line of trigger-force up to the moment where the shot breakes. This is the big deal of the lp10e. The electronic system provides unbelieveable equality from shot to shot.
Finally the lp10e reached 99 points (out of 100). The mechanical lp10 reached 99 points, too. So it´s up to the shooter whether he is willing to pay additional 350,- euros or not. But nevertheless the lp10e is an outstanding gun and you get a lot of technical stuff for the invested money. If I would consider to buy a new airpistol, I would reach for the lp10e. But I own a mechanical one (8 months old) - so I do not see any need for a change ;-)
Now it´s up to you...
Best regards
PS: Sorry for my wording; I´m no native speaker
Hi Max,

the LP10 was also a good choice and I suppose you decided for various reasons also to buy a Pardini SP (mechanical) a few days ago. I think you are well equiped for the next season.

Viel Erfolg!

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Post by hiermax »

Hi Pluto!
Yes, I think I´m well equiped. A couple of months ago I´v also bought a Pardini K22 (free pistol for the 50m shooting). Now I have a TOZ35 and a Pardini K22. But now in winter I don´t have any possibility to train the 50m free pistol. But air pistol is a very good substitution or compensation for it. Hopefully ;-)
Besides, do you speak german?
PS: I tried to summarize a VISIER-review of the AW93 here

Post by Pluto »

hiermax wrote:Hi Pluto!
Yes, I think I´m well equiped. A couple of months ago I´v also bought a Pardini K22 (free pistol for the 50m shooting). Now I have a TOZ35 and a Pardini K22. But now in winter I don´t have any possibility to train the 50m free pistol. But air pistol is a very good substitution or compensation for it. Hopefully ;-)
Besides, do you speak german?
PS: I tried to summarize a VISIER-review of the AW93 here
Hi Hiermax,
d. sollte man meinen (wer hat Dich auf TargetTalk hingewiesen?)!
I think the Pardini K22 is also an excellent free pistol. With regard to the K22 I would like to ask if you choosed the electronic or mechanical trigger system.

Best regards,
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Post by hiermax »

As I bought the K22 second hand, I had no choice. It came with the mechanical system. But anyway, I didn´t know that with the K22 an electronic system was also available? Ever thought that this distinction came first with the FPM/FPE or maybe with the K50. Am I wrong?
PS: Weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht mehr wie ich auf targettalk kam. Denke aber, dass ich beim waffen-online forum aufgrund einer frage darauf gestoßen wurde. Und ich glaube, dabei ging´s um die K22. Und ich denke, ein gewisser "pluto" hat mich darauf hingewiesen, oder??? ;-)

Post by Guest »

hiermax wrote:As I bought the K22 second hand, I had no choice. It came with the mechanical system. But anyway, I didn´t know that with the K22 an electronic system was also available? Ever thought that this distinction came first with the FPM/FPE or maybe with the K50. Am I wrong?
PS: Weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht mehr wie ich auf targettalk kam. Denke aber, dass ich beim waffen-online forum aufgrund einer frage darauf gestoßen wurde. Und ich glaube, dabei ging´s um die K22. Und ich denke, ein gewisser "pluto" hat mich darauf hingewiesen, oder??? ;-)
Hi Max,

You are right! Sorry, I must have mixed something up. I only knew the FPM/FPE.

Best regards,

P.S. Deine Vermutung könnte stimmen :o)

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