Tesro PA10-2 Air Pistol

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Tesro PA10-2 Air Pistol

Post by hiermax »

Does anybody shoot the Tesro PA10-2 and can share the experiences made?
I´m just considering to change my airpistol. Currently I´m using a Steyr LP10 (bought 6 months ago). Yesterday I got the opportunity to shoot a used (4 years old but in a very good condition) Tesro PA10-2. And the whole gun felt much better than the Steyr. The grip, the balence, the loading of the pistol, even the look and feel was better. But on the other hand the Steyr ist quite a good (maybe the best many shooters say so) airpistol.
The deal I can make is to simply change the guns without transfer of money. The Tesro would be sold by a gundealer so I have a 2-years-warranty.
What do you think? Deal or no deal?
PS: Please do not mind my bad english, I´m no native-speaker
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Post by Osmun »

I'm going to buy Tesro Pa-10 Pro for my collection. I'm shooting with LP10, but Tesro is that kind of pistol I want to have.
I would like to ask about the trigger. Are there the same problems with it like with Walter LP300's trigger? I read that Walter doesn't keep trigger adjustments.
Have someone any experience with that pistol? If yes, share please.
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Post by jipe »

It is very similar to the Walther LP300, the grip can even be exchanged with the LP300 grip (but not with the grip of the new LP400 that, due to the new 3D adjustment system, is different from the LP300 grip).

The Tesro grip has a bad design, many shooters use a Rink grip instead of the original Tesro grip.

There where many problems of cylinders leakage.

There is a new model announced with a barrel cover like the LP10 and the LP400 aluminium. The rest of the pistol remains unchanged.
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Richard H
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Post by Richard H »

Many times when you try a different pistol the change feels pleasant for awhile cause it's a change. Both pistols are good pistols going from one to another isn't going to change your shooting ability. It might be worthwhile to look at the things you find you like on the Tesro and try those adjustments on the LP 10. If you like the Tesro grip look at it and try to emulate it on your LP10, same goes for weight, balance and trigger. When it comes down to it you might just like the way the owner has the Tesro setup.

Personally I wouldn't trade a new LP10 for a four year old Tesro without some cash in the deal.
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Post by Osmun »

Thanks for advices. I haven’t got any information about technical problems with Tesro before. There is just a little information about Tesro on Targettalk, but users who wrote something were usually satisfied.

I won’t sell LP10, because I’m glad of that pistol (results 94-98 p). I’m just looking for new extra pistol. My LP10 has been modified with extra weight on trigger guard and on the barrel’s shroud and the original Morini grip has been changed for Ciro grip that suit me better. After modifications my results and shooting comfort went up.

Maybe I have to consider buying LP400 or P44 or CM162 EA. Before I had started shooting LP10 I used to shoot mechanical Morini and it was one of the best pistol I’ve ever shot.
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