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Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:15 am
by Russ

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 1:48 am
by JamesH
Prices are certainly ridiculous in Aus.
Even with the strength of the A$ we are paying 40% more than a year or two ago for .22lr.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 9:20 am
by william
...they fear President Barack Obama and the Democratic-controlled Congress will pass antigun legislation - even though nothing specific has been proposed and the president last month signed a law allowing people to carry loaded guns in national parks.
Isn't paranoia a wonderful thing?
"I call it the Obama effect," said Gregory, 37, of Terrytown, La. "It always happens when the Democrats get in office.
No, it doesn't happen when Democrats get elected. It happens when the NRA, 2nd Amendment Foundation and similar political groups, aided and abetted by a gang of snake oil peddlers (Beck, Limbaugh, Hannity, Palin) who would rather have a soapbox than solve problems, whip up and then exploit members' irrational fear.

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 10:17 pm
by Josed
William are you smoking something funny, the Dem's are allways trying
to take your freedoms away. Just because nothing has passed the House/Senate, dosn't mean they are not trying. Look at who they are posting to different positions in goverment in order order to provide cover to the party leaders. They are not going to confront gun owners up front, they are going to introduce gun control the back door way. Just wait and see.

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 2:07 pm
by Froley
I don't think it helps us as a group to be outraged or afraid of something that has not yet been attempted. It does however help the profit margins of ammunition companies, firearms companies and fraternal organizations that make a living off our fears.
As to will they or won't they--- I believe that any gun related legislation------ if it appears at all will be during the 2nd term...crying wolf constantly for the next 5 years will not help the credibility of shooting sports.
just my thoughts


Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:28 am
by Quest1
Froley wrote:I don't think it helps us as a group to be outraged or afraid of something that has not yet been attempted. It does however help the profit margins of ammunition companies, firearms companies and fraternal organizations that make a living off our fears.
As to will they or won't they--- I believe that any gun related legislation------ if it appears at all will be during the 2nd term...crying wolf constantly for the next 5 years will not help the credibility of shooting sports.
just my thoughts
For decades the gun and ammo industry has been barely making ends neat and some like Winchester have been losing money for years and yes the prices are high but so is everything else. If you haven't noticed the price for just materials alone has been going higher. China and India economies are growing so fast they are consuming more raw materials on everything from tissue paper to oil. If you have been some of the news clips from those countries a few years ago most of the people where riding bicycles and horse carts now all you see is auto traffic jams.

This country used to consume about 40% of the worlds resouces well know you have growing economies like China, India, and others that are growing and to determined to be just as big as economies as the US and from there it is just a matter of the math to calculate the supply and demand. Metal prices have almost doubled and tripled in some cases. The chemicals that go into powder some of that is based on petroleum products and let's not forget our savor the government, which is always passing new regulations that always add to the cost of doing business.

Now that the companies are making some money you would take that away from them. What is the better alternative the Obama Socialist or even communist way? I remember Nixon borrowed some of those ideals in the way of price and wage controls and it failed miserably and in fact it eventually made the recession back then worse. If you really believe that is evil for companies to make money and lets not forget that there are real ordinary people like factory workers and not just company execs making money from this increase in demand. I suppose also if you really believed what you said that you would be willing to let your coworkers and people further down the ladder determine how much money you should be making. I am sure that if you looked hard enough somebody could make a case that you made to much money. I remember one of the student's at college telling me when I was a lowly Ensign in the Navy making $700 a month telling me that I made to much money.

The complacent attitude that nothing is going to happen prevailed in Europe and Australia until it was to late. You don't wait until the wolf eats your flock before you do something. People are always in need of constant reminders otherwise the government will always step in to justify their existence and take another freedom away. One of the greatest fears of the founding fathers is over the years after the country won their independence is that people would grow complacent and one by one give up their freedoms with the promise that government will take care of them.

If you think that no anti-gun legislation has not been passed you better wake-up because although there hasn't been much passed at the federal level (yet) most of the action has been taking place at the state and local levels. If you haven't noticed government agencies are always trying to put in new regulations without much fanfare and without going through congress that would restrict gunownership. OSHA is probably one of the most glaring examples in there lead abatement programs, which is now forcing the military to use the more expensive non-lead ammo. If the agency got it's wish they would close down every gun range in the country. For example, California, which sets the trend for laws, has just passed a law restricting the sale of ammo and thirteen of the largest cities in the country are watching to pass similar legislation. Once this cancer sets in can spread unless there is due diligence by the gun owners in this country. This has been a long term strategy developed by the antigun groups of incrementalism. The Brady groups doctrine that was originally put on their website stated that they know they can't pass the laws they want all at once, but that will it have to be done a little at a time over decades. That are patient enough to take a century to put their goals in place and they will eventually get their goals full filled if the people aren't just as determined to stop them.

Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 12:58 pm
by Steve Swartz as Guest
People aren't snapping up guns and ammo because they believe their 2d amendment rights are going to be taken away.

Think about it.

They are laying in stores of guns and ammunition because they believe OTHER rights are going to be taken away.

And yeah, the 2d amendment isn't the only part of the constitution that is currently under attack.