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Anyone want to buy a Scatt?

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:03 pm
by Pabs
Just kiddin'...

I know I promised not to post again unless I shot a 600 (at a range)

... I lied.

Just had to share this match though. I was kinda glad I shot the 2 nines - by shot #53 my blood pressure felt like it was through the roof ;)

For those who sent Private Messages

a) Yes I know I can't shoot for peanuts at a range but this is FUN

b) no gun yet - still waiting for the LP50e

c) MUG has had a complete overhaul - still ugly though. .5mm frontsight, wider and deeper rearsight gap - courtesy of DavidMs suggestions in a much earlier post. Also ruled out front weight as the X factor (much to the relief of my forearm). New springs and, most importantly, a good spray of inox

May the 10s be with you


Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:04 pm
by Pabs

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:01 pm
by Pabs
6m range, scaled AP target for both matches

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 9:30 pm
by trinity
So what's the point of these postings? Are you learning good shooting technique in these sessions? Or are you just enjoying looking at the perfect outcomes?

My point is, it is obvious something in your Scatt set up is not working properly. I say obvious because no pistol shooter has an average trace length over 60 shots of 58. I just don't believe it. I have a sample file of Vladimir Isakov shooting a 588 in AP, and his avg trace length was around 86. Another sample is Mikhail Nestruev, one of the greatest holders ever, and his avg trace lenght over an AP match was around 103.

If your trace length is actually 58, then you damn well should be on your country's national team and going to the Olympics, where you would clean up by making everyone else look silly.

If you really are able to shoot these outstanding results, then please enlighten the rest of us of _how_ you did it. Because I am sure everyone's interested in that.


Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:34 am
by Reinhamre
IF my SCATT shows that I shoot a 10 every time I understand that there is something wrong! Use a target and compare impact!
It is not setup properly! If one uses the software for adjustment to much instead of fiddling with the screws the result will be 10 every time.
(If one is shooting through a door frame or narrow passage you can get a hit in the white, if you come close to one side.)

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 2:36 am
by Thinkqob
SCATT is a good system I want one but it's too expensive

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:26 am
by Pabs
Here's the thing.
Firstly I apologise to any and all who have taken umbrage with my post.

If you had read my other post


you would understand I know and have acknowledged I am not, and never will be, the shooter these scores appear to make me out to be. There is no quick, easy way to success in shooting. You need talent, training, dedication and timely sage advice - in buckets.

Secondly my Scatt unit has to be faulty (read my first point above).

Thirdly, imagine having a beat up 1300cc bomb of a car and from time to time, when you turn it on, it transforms into a Lamborghini, sounds like one, drives like one... wouldn't you be tempted to take it around to a mate's place and show it off.

Fourthly, I have never seen a print out of a perfect score - I doubt few people ever have. I know I shouldn't have posted the centre fire results today - knew it... but couldn't help myself. I really, truely want to shoot 600 in Air on the Scatt before the unit craps itself and works as it should all the time. BTW it isn't easy to shoot 60 10s irrespective of how kind the Scatt is in awarding those 10s. If I do, I am going to print out the graphic, stick it on the wall and use it as a focus to improve my shooting.

Fifthly, the unit is running bog standard. As reported in other posts it sometimes bugs out and gives me VERY kind results. I have no idea why. BUT it is like getting a free pass to the shooter's equivalent of Disneyworld. I would be very surprised if none of the TargetTalk members and guests would like to take it for a "spin" when it is that generous mood. Remember also, I am only shooting over 6 metres and I'm not using a real air pistol.

Lastly, I have said it before and say it again now, I have learnt so much from reading TargetTalk. Forget the rubbery scores, my shooting technique and confidence are in a much better place than ever before and that is largely due to the generosity of the TargetTalk contributors - those that are game enough to ask the questions no one else is willing to ask (a bit like you today Trinity) and those generous enough to provide the answers.

ps I'm going to do my best to shoot and then post that 600 in air - OK 6 metre pseudo air.

If it will offend you to look; don't.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 7:26 am
by Reinhamre
Maybe you can trade the SCATT of to some one who wants to shoot 600?
People do buy fake university degree, do they not?

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 4:38 pm
by Pabs
Most shooters would want to shoot a perfect score.

Many quest after it by investing in the most sophisticated guns, the best ammo, shooting glasses, top line coaches, electronic trainers... the list goes on. If we wanted a level playing field everyone would be required to shoot FWB65s (a fine gun even today) with Hobby pellets.

Some are missing the point I am trying to make, which is my fault because I am not making it well enough. Try it this way.

My Scatt on occasion for certain time periods gives consistently inflated results. This is good. Whilst it is in this mode I can get a taste of what it is like to shoot great scores; OK pseudo great scores. However it is not a case of raising the gun and shooting a 10 every time. I have no idea what the top Olympic shooters go through mentally when shooting "on the line" but the pressure must be intense. I am not one. I do know that when I shoot a string of 10s although hold probability indicates I have a good chance of getting the desired result with the next shot self induced pressure increases with each successive successful shot reducing the likelihood of success. Really intense training has seen my scores improve markedly over the last month based on and due entirely to suggestions posted to TargetTalk. Now assume the SCATT is not getting progressively "generous" over time then any improvements should be due to the training. If you can disregard the outrageous scores my performance has improved considerably over that month. Should I turn off the Scatt and not use it because it is producing "false positives".

What I should have done is not post the scores at all. I apologise again - this time unreservedly.

If any good comes of this self indulgence on my part it is that given time and effort most shooters will find in the TargetTalk archives the ideas and support necessary to improve their shooting.

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:17 pm
by Pete Wilson

A couple of comments if I may. I don't have a problem with what you are doing although the posts without prior notice were off putting. Now having read your previous posts I can sort of understand where you are coming from. BTW I would happily have a go of your system if the opportunity arose.

If and when you shoot the 600 post the card to the forum I would like to see it. Then I suggest you put it behind you and go back to basics. Your follow through is almost non existant. When you get your air pistol it will not be as forgiving as your current system. A good drill is to gently return your front sight to where the shot released as you continue to squeeze the trigger. Using a blank target removes distractions.


Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 4:48 pm
by jholtman
I have a SCATT that is still the serial port design. I have found that if I use it with air rifle at a range of 5 -6 meters I can shoot 100's all day long, but it is OK at 10 meters. A friend of mine has a USB SCATT and it does not seem to have this problem.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 5:48 pm
by Pabs
John Hadjichristou came up with the solution to my Scatt problem.

Thank you John.

He posted a comment


which has enabled me to put this thing to rest.

Thank goodness he posted it after I shot the 600 lunchtime yesterday - it would have felt like I was cheating if I had known ;)

Excuse me whilst I climb down from this pedastal, shove it into a corner and rejoin the mere mortal queue - well towards the back.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 6:15 pm
by Pabs
Sorry Jim for not acknowledging your solution in my last post. John made his comments to 2 forums. I was working on a reply to him elsewhere and didn't come across your post till after. BTW Scatt USB has the potential for distance inconsistencies - well mine has anyway.