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WMG-Where are the U.S. shooters?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 5:49 pm
by Shooter
As of April 7th, there are only 12 shooters from the U.S. who are entered in the World Masters Games. Two are shotgunners, 6 are pistol and 4 rifle shooters. I am glad to see that many, but come on folks. Surely there are more of you out there who could enter. It is not that difficult to do it, really. This will be my fifth one, and all have been easy, even having to fool with my rifles. It is fairly easy, if you do a little prior planning and think ahead. Argentina has 7 for crying out loud! I know some people who are going to attend, but we really need more. There were only 150 shooters in total signed up by April 7th. This is not nearly enough, as far as I am concerned. If you folks would like info on the WMG, or copies of the paperwork for importing firearms, let me know. I do hope that the numbers increase before the middle of Sept. Don in Oregon at

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 8:12 pm
by pmessina
Hi Don! You know I am going to be there and am currently registered for the following events:

International Air Rifle 40
International Air Rifle 60
International Air Pistol 60
Free Rifle Prone
Free Rifle 3 x 40

Granted, I did my planning very, very early but you are correct, it IS EASY!! It would be a shame to not have a good U.S. showing at these games. When you told me Argentina had 7 registered shooters already I could not believe it. Come on folks, you can get a flight to Sydney, Australia for well under $1000 and in some cases airlines have incredible deals for $500 - $600 round trip. The U.S. Dollar is quite favorable against the Australian Dollar so hotels and rental cars are a decent deal. In fact, you can get some great package deals on the World Masters Games website ( I hope to see some U.S. participation. Who else is in??????

Paul in Texas (

Age limit?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:12 pm
by aross007
I am struck by the age limits used to determine eligibility for these games, and what it says about the target audience. When Kobe Bryant is eligible for the basketball team, and Tiger Woods will be eligible for the Golf team year after next, and (more to the point of this forum) the shooting age limit is 30, this doesn't pose much interest for the 65 year olds like me. The most recent ISSF air pistol event had several very competitive pistol shooters in their 40's and 50's. Maybe a 30 year old sprinter is over the hill and ready to compete against the masters, but I'm not sure the same age is even close for shooters.

Just my reflections,

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2009 10:46 pm
by pmessina

The beauty of these games is that you will compete against shooters that are in your own age category. IF you are 65 years old then you will be in an age category that includes 60 - 69 year old shooters or something similar (don't hold me to that exact asge breakdown) but certainly you would not be competing against Mike Anti (Not sure if he has enetered but he is an S1 now and would be eligible). Just my thoughts, but I think you would have a great time.
