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Morini 162ei trigger stop

Posted: Sun Apr 05, 2009 6:56 pm
by John Hadjichristou
Does anyone have a method/instructions, maybe even a couple of photo's on how I can have a trigger stop on my Morini AP?
There's no adjustment in the manual for this and I'd like to have the trigger similar to the trigger stop set up on my LP 10.
What do other Morini AP users do? Accept the trigger stop as it is or make some type of modification? Any advice/comments would be appreciated.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:03 am
by David Levene
One of the main advantages of the 162EI is that you don't need a trigger stop.

There is no sudden reduction in trigger pressure as the gun fires so there is no need to introduce a way of dealing with it.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:15 am
by John Hadjichristou
Thank you David. Does that mean that the after travel cannot play any part in distrubing the shot? I hope I am not confusing in asking that. After releasing the shot, if the trigger finger was to jerk thru to the stop for example. Or has the pellet well and truly left the barrel, so it matters not anyhow?
For me, I notice in follow thru that I hold the sights well when using the LP 10, but 'wiggle' the pistol on follow thru with the Morini. This I put down to the after travel on one pistol but not the other. Whats important is whether it matters, and whether this errant trigger application after the shot can or should be stopped by having no after travel. But only of it affects the shot I guess?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:57 am
by David Levene
John Hadjichristou wrote:For me, I notice in follow thru that I hold the sights well when using the LP 10, but 'wiggle' the pistol on follow thru with the Morini. This I put down to the after travel on one pistol but not the other.
Does this happen when dry-firing (with the electronics turned on) or only when live firing.

If the latter then it is probably more the effect of the LP10's "recoil absorbing" design than anything else.

You talk about the trigger finger jerking through to the stop. I have never seen this happen on a 162EI because there is no sudden reduction in trigger pressure as the shot breaks. The trigger pressure is the same (give or take a very few grammes) before, during and after shot release.

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:30 pm
by FredB

I agree with David that logically what you are experiencing should not be happening. After all, the constant pressure curve is supposed to be one of the most important advantages of an electronic trigger.

However, I experienced exactly the same thing you describe when I had my Morini 162E and Steyr LP-1. The Morini front sight seemed to bounce all over the place at the moment of trigger release, while the Steyr front sight stayed rock steady, with its "archaic" mechanical trigger, trigger stop, and NO recoil absorber.

I too wanted to try a trigger stop on the Morini, but I was unable to come up with a useful arrangement. I ended up trading the Morini and keeping the Steyr, which is still my favorite AP.

Just my experience,


Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:33 pm
by IPshooter
John Hadjichristou wrote:Thank you David. Does that mean that the after travel cannot play any part in distrubing the shot? I hope I am not confusing in asking that. After releasing the shot, if the trigger finger was to jerk thru to the stop for example. Or has the pellet well and truly left the barrel, so it matters not anyhow?
For me, I notice in follow thru that I hold the sights well when using the LP 10, but 'wiggle' the pistol on follow thru with the Morini. This I put down to the after travel on one pistol but not the other. Whats important is whether it matters, and whether this errant trigger application after the shot can or should be stopped by having no after travel. But only of it affects the shot I guess?

David is completely correct with his replies. But, I think it is possible that you have conditioned yourself to hitting a trigger stop with a smooth "landing". And, with the Morini electonic trigger, you are expecting that same sensation and not finding it.

BTW, you can add a over travel stop screw to a Morini electronic trigger. I know of at least one competitor who has done so and likes it better. The pistol has the threads there for it. You just have to get a screw and put it in there.



Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:13 pm
by John Hadjichristou
Fred, David, IP Shooter - you have all been most helpful - thank you.
Individually you have also summed up exactly what takes place. I like the LP10 and how on release of the shot - my finger stops firm and I hold a nice steady (appears to be) sight slighnment.
I'm not sure what it is I do wrong after the shot with the Morini - but it's wrong for sure - as NO - it doesn't happen when dry firing. Only live fire - so my finger (me) is reacting differently after the shot releases.
I'm at work and don't have the Morini with me, so I'm looking forward to finding this 'ready position' for the screw.
Now to change the subject, but still with the Morini. Is it possible to remove the rear sight and reposition it so the sight radius is longer? I'd need to take some wood off the top of the grip to do so, that's the easy part. Do any Morini users have a proceedure or photo's of a longer sight radius already completed?

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:07 am
by David Levene
John Hadjichristou wrote:I'm not sure what it is I do wrong after the shot with the Morini - but it's wrong for sure - as NO - it doesn't happen when dry firing. Only live fire - so my finger (me) is reacting differently after the shot releases.
Are you sure you aren't just seeing the results of recoil. There is no doubt that the 162EI recoils significantly more than the LP10.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:20 am
by David Levene
John Hadjichristou wrote:Now to change the subject, but still with the Morini. Is it possible to remove the rear sight and reposition it so the sight radius is longer? I'd need to take some wood off the top of the grip to do so, that's the easy part. Do any Morini users have a proceedure or photo's of a longer sight radius already completed?
I am pretty sure that Morini just fit a site extention to move the sight back on the 162EI Short. You could try fitting one of those to your gun.

You would need to make sure that you stay within the 420mm box limit.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 6:46 am
by Freepistol
I just put a 162EI grip on my 16EI short. I had to notch the grip, however, the length of the pistol did not change. There should be no problem fitting the pistol in the box after installing the "short" sight.

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 9:07 am
by Steve Swartz as Guest

The two things you are noticing/planning on doing seem a little odd to me. I wasn't going to reply at first, but this really has me puzzled:

1. You are perceiving a disturbance in the front sight as the shot is released, on a system with a constant trigger force profile (but only in live fire and not dry fire); and

2. You intend to increase the apparent sensitivity (not necessarily the actual sensitivity; just your perception of it) of the sighting system to disturbances in alignment

Is this essentially correct?

I need clarity on your issues. It appears that you may be seeking "mechanical" solutions to "human" problems . . .

Steve Swartz

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 5:45 pm
by John Hadjichristou
David, you are right. I do think it's probably the re-coil. I can't put it down to anything else. I do not get the same effect when using the LP10.
Steve, I'm wanting my Morini to have the same sight radius as my LP10. As it is, I have the LP10 set up with the longest possible sight radius, and I like it that way. My sight alignment appears to be steady (especially when I do really have absolute front sight focus with total disregard to all else) and I'm happy with my follow thru and the apparant stillness of the sight alignment.
I've set the Morini up with the longest possible sight radius too, but it falls short of the LP10. Not by a lot, but I'd still like to set the sight radius so that both pistols are the same.
I will definitely upgrade to the LP10E when funds permit. I'm reluctant to sell my LP10 before doing so 'just in case'!!

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 11:38 pm
by Muffo
why o you need to shoot 2 different types of pistols? why not pick the one you like and stick with it