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new electronic scoring target with lowest price

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 6:00 am
by Ario ascor
We are developed new electronic scoring target for 10, 25, 50 ,300 m discipline at lowest price in the world.
For more information please mail to

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:19 am
by Richard H
Do you have more info, such as a website? I've checked Arioascor and nothing comes up.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 9:47 am
by David Levene
Richard H wrote:I've checked Arioascor and nothing comes up.
I had a quick look and it comes up with "Under Constraction". That seems strange as I would have thought a company launching a new product would at least have pictures of it on their web site.

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 10:05 am
by Richard H
Yes if you can make an electronic target one would think you'd be able to have a website. It doesn't give me a sense of confidence, that's for sure.

more information

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:22 am
by Ario ascor
Dear Shooters,

We are sorry about this,the site is under construction to put all products information .

For any question please send mail to

With kindest regards,
Yours sincerely

Ario Ascor
Mohammadreza khalaj
Technical Director

Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2009 11:01 pm
by j-team
Rather that us all emailing you, why don't you put your price list here for us to see?

Also, it would be nice to know what country your company is in and whether your targets are ISSF approved?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 8:36 am
by mikejkd
Sounds like he is doing a little market research and needs to know how many people are interested.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 9:03 am
by Freepistol
mikejkd wrote:Sounds like he is doing a little market research and needs to know how many people are interested.
Or is he gathering email addresses for spam?

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 11:38 am
by Richard H
My thought too.

Company info

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 12:15 pm
by Ario ascor
Dear Shooters,

We are in Iran,our mission is to sell lowest price as well as high quality.
Our electronic scoring based on acoustic position estimation and look like other manufacture in the world (Haring ,Polytronic ,Sius , Megalink,...).
The accuracy is same 1/100 mm in 10,25,50M target ,small bore(lead) ammunition and also <5mm for 100..300 M target ,big bore (steel shell) ammunition.
price information please mail to
For any question you are welcome.

Kind regards

Ario Ascor
Mohammadreza khalaj
Technical Director

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 5:58 pm
by Oz
It certainly sounds interesting. I'm sure that there will be a significant spike in serious interest once it's verified that this isn't another example of electronic scoring vapor-ware.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 7:59 pm
by higginsdj
One would assume it also needs some sort of certification from shooting governing bodies as well.....

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 1:40 am
by Oz
I've been curious how much (if any) the certification with various shooting groups increases costs.

When I was in high-end home audio/video, there were several top manufactures who's products met or exceeded THX standards. They were unwilling to get the certification and put the logo on their equipment because of the significant cost increase they would have to pass along to the consumer.

If someone was willing to create a quality electronic scoring system similar in quality to the 'others' but NOT receiving the certification allowed several hundred dollars in savings, it might open up a larger volume of sales if end users were able to buy them for their homes VS only being cost effective for larger clubs and groups. Of course they couldn't be used in official competition, and that would be a negative stigma that would need to be dealt with.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:26 am
by David Levene
higginsdj wrote:One would assume it also needs some sort of certification from shooting governing bodies as well.....
It only needs approval from the ISSF if it is going to be used in their competitions.

If you are going to use it in a local club league, for example, then they are the people who need to approve it. You would obviously expect the league organizers to accept systems approved by the ISSF but they might also accept systems that aren't.

Not all of the recognized systems have ISSF approval.

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 8:18 pm
by jacques b gros
So the system is good, cheap and tested.

Will anybody in good sense send money into Iran before the whole box is in his home? I would'nt.

Would you open the box when it arrives? I would suggest caution...

This is the real problem, not quality or price. If manufacture is moved elsewhere, or sales are made by someone known it may work.

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 9:38 am
by Jason
And with Iran being a "scheduled" country for almost all western banks (or at least those who do business in the U.S.), even attempting to send money into the country will land you on a watch list and lead to some rather pointed phone calls from various government agencies -- especially for a "shooting related" purchase.


Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 4:08 am
by ismails
great information post.

Scoring System

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:24 am
by Ernie Rodriguez
I have seen this exact system on this website before-maybe two years ago. A search check might bring it up again.

Re: Scoring System

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 5:34 am
by David Levene
Ernie Rodriguez wrote:I have seen this exact system on this website before-maybe two years ago. A search check might bring it up again.
Apart from the post before yours Ernie, look at the posting dates. I think this was a "bump" to bring it to the top again.

Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:37 am
by conradin
The person is real, the software is real. He did mistype his email address.
This is his info:
No.4 First golestan alleym,Farahzadi ave
No.4 First golestan alleym,

name:(Mohammadreza Khalaj)
mail:( +098.2122355480
Ariosoren Advanced Equipment

This is how it looks:

This is the website:

It is not a vaporware. Plenty of photos shown it being used, but seems like only being used in Iran, either for athletes or the police/military. The English website does not work, so you just have to bear with the non-English one.

How do you do business with him (Iran) I have no idea, but I presume you have to go through Germany; but even that I am not sure if it will work for a lot of countries. For example, you can look at this system as a sports equipment, so you may be able to purchase it in the USA (the US government does give special permits for companies to do import export with Iran), but you can also look at it as a military equipment, which can be a totally different story. The type and number of items in the US sanction law both in import and export change so fast that one may not even be able to figure out in time for the next change. The only way you can do that is to consult some special law firm that deals with this area to find out whether it is legal or not. I'd say because of that it is not worth the effort.

Stick with Sius or something similar. At least you know it is totally legal and if there is something wrong there will be a customer service to help you. I have no idea if you can get customer service from Iran while trying to communicate in Farsi. I prefer English, Japanese, German, Italian, Chinese, Spanish, French, etc, thanks.