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Stuff Happens - Again

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 12:55 am
by David Levene
Poor guy.

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:03 am
by MarkR
What happened to Matt? I don't have broadband out here on the farm so all I could see was the line score - was that 4.4 for real?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:07 am
by jackh
Nerves got to him I bet.

I had hollered at my screen "don't crossfire", and he didn't.

Snake Bit

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:09 am
by maikata
As Wig said in the running commentary "He is Snake bit"
On the very last shot he put it on the right target it was just a high 4.4. Moving him from a comfortable 2 point lead to 4th and out of the medals.

Matt Emmons, in my opinion, is the best shooter in the world and he has basically proven it twice in the Olympics.
At the same time, Matt Emmons is the most unlucky shooter in the world. And he has proven it twice in the Olympics.

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 1:35 am
by MarkR
I am so sorry for him. Matt is a first-rate individual in my book! A couple of years ago my son wrote a paper about Matt's experience in Athens for school. Not only did Matt respond to my son's letter, but wrote a very nice, indepth and personal reply, far beyond what he needed to do. And he took time out to speak with my son a couple of years ago at the 3X's match.

Yes, in my book is his the best rifle shooter in the world, but he is also a fine man as well, and that is something to be said!

Good luck next time Matt!!!

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 5:26 am
by Ted
2004 Olympics- last shot 0.0
2008 Olympics- last shot 4.4
2012 Olympics- last shot 8.8?

Posted: Sun Aug 17, 2008 9:37 am
by jhmartin
2012 Olympics- last shot 8.8?
B.S. .... 2012 Olympics - last shot 10.9

Matt and his wife are two of the best role models we have for youth right now. Super people.

As Mark R stated as well ... He is the best in the world

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:15 am
by david alaways
Best in the world as shooters? or Best in the world as Olympic role models? Both? For those that have never meet him, Hes the type of guy that you can go up to and talk with even if he doesnt know you.He smiles and it seems like hes always glad to see you.I have never meet his wife but I have heard shes just like him. What if all shooters acted that way? WOW no ankle biting. HOLD ON NOW. that would take all the fun out of TT. Matt knew he had to really mix the story up if he ever wanted to sell the movie rights. Someday he will be telling better stories than Szarenski. Thank you Matt for keeping it interesting.( after that swimmer won 5 golds didnt it start to get boring?)...............................................................for all those who live in Alabama that was a joke..........................................

Posted: Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:18 am
by Guest
dont worry they cant read in Alabama !