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San Francisco schools refusing credit to students in JROTC

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2008 7:30 pm
by jhmartin
Saw this on the Fox website.
San Francisco schools refusing credit to students in JROTC program

Just makes me sick


Posted: Sun Jun 29, 2008 12:04 am
by tim_stone
You think that is bad. Most of our local High Schools have dropped the ROTC programs altogether, including the air rifle! We fight to reach new shooters, teach the basics and hope someone will enjoy the sport.

We started 4-H shooting sports seven or eight years ago. The group has grown, but not as fast as I would like. The entire state seems to be against teaching shooting sports to those under 18 years of age, including the legislative body. The state of California would rather no one own a firearm it seems. Maybe they need to read the second amendment.

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:31 pm
by bummer7
[ "But there's been a change, and the old, reliable issues may not play any more. For starters, the parents are up in arms. On Monday, JROTC supporters delivered 13,600 signatures (they needed 7,200 from registered city voters) to City Hall to get a nonbinding resolution on the November ballot to show support for JROTC."]

I'm happy to respond with a bit of good news. Not everyone in SF is happy with the School Board's decision to drop the PE credit for JROTC. This blurb from the San Francisco Chroncile shows parents upset over the board's decision have gotten this issue listd on the November ballot so taht voters can decide. The full news article can be found here ... 002&sc=956


San Francisco to Consider Decriminalizing Prostitution

Posted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:40 am
by jhmartin
SAN FRANCISCO — A measure that aims to keep prostitutes from facing criminal charges has qualified for the November ballot in San Francisco.

The measure, which qualified Friday, would bar authorities from spending money to investigate or prosecute prostitutes for engaging in prostitution.

A San Francisco first-time offender program that allows men to avoid charges for soliciting a prostitute if they attend a class and pay a fine would also end under the measure.

The Erotic Service Providers Union recently announced it had gathered the 12,000 signatures necessary to put the measure on the ballot after failing to get a similar initiative before voters in 2006.
Anybody wanna buy this city cheap .... China .... Iran ..... France?????

Posted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 12:40 pm
by bummer7
Only in a free society can this occur. Remember what happened when the Berkeley City Council wanted the Marine recruiters to close down and leave town? Maybe the Federal government should cut their purse strings to SF and see what happens?

iam feeling you pain

Posted: Sun Jul 27, 2008 5:31 pm
by hank2222
iam two hours away for sf bay area i feel the your pain in that area
my girlfriend daughter has been learning to shoot a air rifle and would like to get into shooting on a team in the local area
but there seams to be no teams when a 2 hour drive where we are at
the local high schools out here where we are at do not have any shooting programs for her to get into
iam trying to find a local 4.h.typle club around the area where we are in
iam moveing away hopefully by jan of next year to a place that has a shooting progarm

Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:04 am
by bummer7

where are you located in northern california? I ask as would be interested in seeing if we can combine our resources. Our club has been working on a getting a junior program with the intent and goal of sponsoring a junior team.

Please PM me and we can talk off-line.


Posted: Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:04 am
by bummer7

where are you located in northern california? I ask as would be interested in seeing if we can combine our resources. Our club has been working on a getting a junior program with the intent and goal of sponsoring a junior team.

Please PM me and we can talk off-line.



Posted: Wed Aug 13, 2008 7:05 pm
by 2016oly
Wow SF is messed up.
I am in JROTC and i have learned more things i can use in any proffesion than any othe hs class i ma taking the only ppl that whant to do away with the program are the morons that burned ROTCs during Vietnam. refusing PE credits to cadets would make it almost impossible to graduate on time.
I'm glad i come frome an area where every one knows something about ROTCs both junior and senior. Heck When the school cut our funding by75% hell broke lose in our school district. Some one needs to but a boot to the superentendant of schools in SF