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Historical Range Under Attack-- You Can Help!

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 7:38 am
by bellyshooter
Historic Blue Trail Range in Wallingford, CT, is currently fighting for its very existence. Battling biased reporting, half-assed investigating, and a law suit from a greedy developer, they need YOUR help if they are to take a stand.

In operation since the 1940's, there is a good chance that this range will be bankrupted by its efforts to fight to stay open. NOW is the time for action. Now is when you can make a difference. Don't wait to lament the closing of another range-- Do something!

The following sites will give you more information on the situation and what you can do. Please, help save this beautiful facility. The Lyman family has contributed to the shooting sports for decades. Now, we can give back. Click on the websites below, and do what you can!

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:35 am
by PaulB
One thing that this and other law suits against ranges has shown me is that we seriously need tort reform in this country. Something is seriously wrong when a case is determined not necessarily by which side is right or wrong but by which side can afford to spend the most money on lawyers, economically driving the range out of business. A recent case in Virginia had a gun club spend around $150,000 defending itself against a suit (how many gun clubs could afford that). As with the Blue Trail situation, these cases get really out of control when the person bringing the suit is a lawyer himself, not a plaintiff's rep., which means that the other side doesn't have any real legal expenses. Unfortunately, nothing much will ever change because the lawyers that make the big bucks in these cases also can afford big time lobbyists, and in many cases are also state legislators.

BTW: Help Save Blue Trail, Good Luck Lymans !!!

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:38 am
by Hip's Ax
Donation made and I'll cut and past your original post all over the internet.

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 2:00 pm
by peepsight
Do you have a State Ombudsman that you can appeal to. They usually sit in judgment to make sure the little guy/underdog is not trodden on and fair play is applied.