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.32 Projectiles for Pardini HP

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:03 am
by Mikey
Do the Pardini .32 shooters have a preference for a certain diameter projectile. Have you tested your guns performance with projectiles of different diameters.

If so what is your preference.
or other

And what was the basis for you selection, did you slug the barrel, test group sizes in a vise or just gut feel.

Thanks in advance


Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 4:34 am
by Razorback
I have slugged the barrels of my two HP´s

the old one (the old model without springloaded weights) needs .312 bullets
and the newer HP-New needs .314 bullets

In the old models i have seen guns with barrels from .309-.315
In the NEW model all three i have slugged have been .313-.314

So it looks like a clear improvement have been done in this area at the Pardini factory.