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Postal Matches/E-matches

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 9:58 am
by Nick_Burman
Hi all,

I've been looking for sometime for a postal/E-match match to participate, however it seems that most of them have gone dead (unless someone can point me to the contrary). I've been thinking about setting up a match of my own, but the format would be somewhat different. The match would be run through a Yahoo group - to participate one would subscribe to the group and would receive a notice of the date of the next match (which would be run at least once a month, preferably on a weekend). The person would have untill that date to shoot the match and send his results (via private email) to the administrator, who would then compile the results and post them for all and sundry to see. Initially the match would be for Air Rifle and Air Pistol, with 3P and Prone being added if there is sufficient demand.

However before I embark on such an idea I would like to know how many people would be willing to participate, as it would be unviable to run such without "critical mass", i.e., attendance.

Cheers NB

postal matches

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:28 am
by Bill177
Just for general information, I checked those postal matches listed at for ISSF style shooting:

The biweekly 20/20 is alive and well. The 60/60 monthly is alive and well.

The H&H requires a $20 fee and there is no means of email contact or score results on line.

American Vintage - no activity on the group since late March.

Target Shooting Canada offers excellent matches and have a good following. Probably the best match of those available.

The following are non-ISSF type shoots. Different and fun:

Mini-Sniping only has a little interest - yet, it is a good challenge.

AirgunHome uses odd targets that create tough challenges. There appears to be good activity there.

The Challenge Shoot and Silhouettes are both poorly attended - but great fun. They used to be heavily attended.

Note that the non-ISSF shoots do not always use the guns we are used to. But, they do offer a venue for some challenging fun.

I'd say go for it - if it doesn't work out, then just delete it. You will never know until you try.

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 10:29 am
by Richard H's matches are still going.

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 1:41 pm
by Guest
Don Williams on the west coast of USA is still runing postals for 10 meter air pistol & air rifle.