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Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 8:35 pm
by dan17c
just wondering if anyone can tell me how to determin the best pellet size for my Anschutz LP@

Posted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 10:04 pm
by Richard H
You might not know but if you hit the search feature up top and type in best pellet, you will get a list of the 100's of threads where this question is asked almost on a weekly basis (if not every other day).

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 10:52 am
by Steve Swartz
. . . but welcome to the forum anyway! (Sorry Richard, couldn't resist =8^)

Dan, you will find that there is a wealth of information already sloshing around in multiple threads in this forum. Also, be sure to check out the archives *and* the "TenP Files" on our hosts' website. You will find TONS of extremely valuable, expert advie and opinion on almost anything related to international shoooting (and not a few off topic rants, either!).

The short answer to your question is "The best way to determine the best pellet size for [insert brand and serial number here] is by rigorously testing a whole bunch of different brands, sizes within brands, and lot numbers within sizes within brands. The good is though that all of that testing will pretty much be a waste of time, so don't bother!"


Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 3:01 pm
by GaryBF
In my opinion, only two types of shooters worry about pellet size: new shooters and world class shooters. Unless you are in the latter group, don't waste your time and money because you will not see any difference. Just shoot good quality pellets of nominal 4.50 size (or whatever) and have fun. This is the voice of experience of a former member of the first group.